I showed my brother a progress pic of my new cut

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I mean…

That really is something fowl

Getting norse in this shot is probably the cringes line I’ve ever read…

Your brother is the hero we all needed today. Thank you brother. That little ponytail is a really cry for help.

I was in the middle of a hair cut and my stylist just happened to make it look like this brutal bowl cut. It looked so fucking stupid. Not even Jonathan Taylor Thomas could have pulled it off. I couldn’t stop laughing and I had to take a picture. I sent it to my wife and said “I’m done. I absolutely love this”. She replied with “if you don’t fix your hair, you’ll never get sex again”. Which, I also found hilarious.

Damn. Accurate.

You’re a good brother for warning him it was a terrible day to have eyes.

”Getting norse” …my ancestors had long hair, not manbuns – youre getting Hollywood dude

When you tell your crush your cock is different…

Is that haircut still a thing?

I call BS. Ive seen that meme before. It is funny but that isn’t an interaction between you and your brother.

In Germany we’d describe your brothers actions as “gottlos”

No Norse detected

This haircut is a guaranteed female wetness evaporator. I’ve literally never met a cool or interesting guy with this haircut.

Getting Norse?

“getting Norse” is a good way to stay a virgin

“It has begun” refers to his balding. Its an effective way to mask it early stage. The “alpha male” big beard is another tool in that box, for the man with no chin, or an unfortunate one. Viking like grooming is often falsely cited as the main motivation.

When he’s right, he’s right.

Had a great laugh at that one.

Thanks! Needed it

You call this norse? Call me when you can braid it.

Nuh uh, the long part of the hair ends wayyyy too soon. Start over, this time with *feeling*. See you in 3 years.

I don’t think OP is the brother. They’re the one on the right posting in blue. OP is trying to pretend it’s not them.

Boom, roosted

Being Nordic, the only thing I associate with modern people inspired by «norse» culture is neo-nazism

You are not getting norse in that lol. I agree with your brother.

This “norse” obsession is just the millennial-style midlife crisis. Our generation can’t even afford dreaming of a Harley Dividson.

“possibly” is hilarious

Bro probably one of those ppl who thinks he’s descended from a Viking 😂

the chicken picture is the cherry on top

What a cock..

He fuggin gotu good boy

What specific word he put in to find this oddly specific picture,or he just have that on his phone waiting for you.


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