I still don’t know who it is, better hope the UK box office can help

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TIL Americans don’t know who robbie Williams is.

Ah yes, because turning Robbie Williams into a monkey is exactly what the American audience needed to connect with the story.

I think I’m the only American that knows who Robbie Williams is. Millennium was a great song. I liked Rock DJ too.

we’re not even going to watch it when it goes to netflix, that’s how little we know or care about this monkey

I thought he was maybe more well known around Europe, but some Americans here seem to say they know him.

Is it possibly more of a generational thing? I remember him being played on the radio in France constantly in the early 2000’s, but not that much since…

I thought it was some shitty NFT movie

When you bet the farm on ‘monkey magic’ and the box office says ‘nah.’


Robbie was good, however, from the first trailer I said I will never watch this. Looked stupid, would have done significantly better without the monkey cgi.

Yeah i have no idea who that is or why he is a monkey

I don’t think the issue is that Americans don’t know who Robbie Williams is, I think it’s that he never reached the same level of popularity here in the states. The only song from him that I’m familiar with is “Millennium”, but I’m sure he’s had other popular songs in Europe.

I know who Robbie is. I think the monkey bit is a great idea. Im not gonna watch this.

If you were around in the late nineties and early 2000 you know who he is. I don’t understand why he is considered hairy like an ape. I never noticed excess arm hair or anything in his music videos. I’m no Robin Williams but I’m hairier than he is.

The monkey just doesn’t look happy. I want a happy robin williams monkey

I have seen the movie trailers multiple times. It’s my bet for worst movie of the year

Wait, Robbie Williams isn’t famous in USA ?

Never heard of it.

Why did they use cgi on legendary comedian Robin Williams in a planet of the apes crossover

Edit: just looked up the movie. How many “tortured artist finds a way” stories are there

Wait this is planet of the apes canon, right? S/

I’ve got you America! Star Stories have everything you need to know about who he is and where he came from!


Not only is today the first time I’ve heard the name Robbie Williams, but it’s the first time I’ve heard of this movie existing. Sounds like poor advertising on top of the person not being well known.

Now there’s a concept I can’t get enough of, a man as a monkey!

I live in Denmark and know who he is but the movie looks dumb.

I didn’t know who he was. I’m almost 40. Saw a trailer, didn’t recognize a single song and I despised the terrible, cheap-looking CGI ape. Assumed this was a movie that’d been lost in production hell for a decade and they were just releasing it in desperation. The whole thing is absolutely baffling to me.

I know who Robbie Williams is. The last time anyone heard of him was Millennium, which happened to be around that time so yeah, the current generation has no idea.

Hold on… I know who robbie Williams is(and like him) but had no idea this was a biopic about him.

I know who he is and that’s the reason I didn’t watch it.

All Americans have heard of Robbie Williams.

Sounds as dumb as saying no Americans have heard of Robbie Williams.

So we only do movies for Americans now? Nice info.

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