I still love this sticker so much.

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The people who wear the punisher logo are exactly the same people who the punisher hates.

Not a white supremacist, but also didn’t read the comics. Can someone explain the story behind the punisher?

My favorite is when they have a punisher skull, a “don’t tread on me” flag, AND a back the blue or thin blue line flag.

Like, what do you even *mean!?*

If Nazi’s could read they would be very upset.

With the comics and the sticker.

There is an excellent episode about the origins, appropriation, and re-appropriation of Marvel’s The Punisher on 99% Invisible. Worth a listen.


They even went and [wrote an issue in which The Punisher *himself* makes this point](https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272).

Available here – [https://teesperky.com/product/youre-not-the-punisher-youre-a-white-supremacist-who-didnt-read-the-comics-sticker/](https://teesperky.com/product/youre-not-the-punisher-youre-a-white-supremacist-who-didnt-read-the-comics-sticker/)

As someone whose platoon’s callsign in Iraq was Punisher when I was 20 years old, I didn’t read the comics back then, I just thought it was a dope platoon callsign and emblem. Got a Punisher skull/OIF based tattoo where only long sleeve shirts cover. Fast forward years later, this whole anti-Punisher skull movement sucked. I get Franks character now (mainly forced research by reddit commenters doing thier ackshuallys). My man loved his fellow troops but despised the government that sent those kids. Same as me today. But I know I get some looks where it might as well be a fucking swastika when I wear a Tshirt.

It’s a fantastic sticker because it speaks to the kind of guys that really need to know.

They read two words- “The” and “Punisher”. That was enough for these pieces of shit to adopt it as a symbol. In their heads it means “Punish those who I deem lesser and wield power over them by any means necessary”. The fact cops are even allowed to accessorize with all their weird patches is like flair in office space. Stupid.

As a punk, and lifelong Punisher fan, I was SOOOOOO pissed when I realized the Chuds were stealing the skull. It’s probably what radicalized me.

Not necessarily white supremacists, but a lot of wannabe vigilantes which is honestly becoming a growing problem with how accepted it is becoming in the society.

Well that’s because they’re also illiterate

Soooooooooo many cops love the punisher skull image

If I get shot putting these over top of other Punisher stickers in a Walmart parking lot, know that I regret nothing.

I wish I could show my late stepfather this image. He hated how racists used the Punisher logo since he liked the comics and didn’t want to be associated with them

Can someone please explain what type of people tend to brandish this sticker and why they do it? I’m out of the loop.

As someone who occasionally does read comics, the thing that annoys me is how this actually affects the Punisher himself. Marvel Comics was so afraid of being associated with these people that they changed the Punisher’s iconic logo.

[Punisher’s New Skull](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/the-punisher-gets-a-new-devil-skull-logo-for-2022/)

It doesn’t look too bad and I’m pretty sure it was already reverted but I’m still pissed that these idiots had the power to change a decades old character like that.

I read the comics and wear the shirt because he’s a cool and interesting character, not because I agree with him.

Especially that time when he punched a bear to make it attack humans and baited people in to get mauled by the bear.

Also white supremacy is bad. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say that. I thought Indiana Jones figured this shit out in 80’s with punching Nazis.

Yeah… I hate that those idiots co-opted the Punisher emblem for their bigotry…

Hey just like the bible.

I feel like the issue with this is that they use a fictional character, a Marvel character especially, to use as a symbol, when he lives in the same universe as the Hulk and Spider-Man. So CLEARLY, his morals are realistic and real as well if he has met SPIDER-MAN

I hate that they use it so so much

I’m still confused on how of all the versions of the skull that was used in the comics, these guys went with the one from the 2004 Thomas Jane movie

There are a few of us out there who read the comics and then got a dumb tattoo. In 95. Before the movies (other than Dolph) because we liked the comic and the character. Imagine me now, being called racist. I’m debating blacking the whole thing out

To be fair, they actually might have read the comics but were too stupid to truly understand them… or they just learned the wrong lessons from the comics. /shrug

The only guy i know that wears this is a japanese dude

I have a shirt with an earlier version of the logo that I can’t wear anymore. I got that shirt back in the 00s. Makes me sad. Though it was one of those thick ass shirts that sucks in Texas summers.

I used to have a Punisher sticker on my Jeep, but these fucks ruined it so I removed it.

As someone who loves his comic book character and is tired of seeing on every jacked up truck, or one with a thin blue like… I absolutely love this sticker

doesnt matter in the slightest. when you control the narrative, you control the meaning, and they have controlled the narrative since 2015

Eh, I literally have only seen that sticker on six figure diesel trucks and c6, c7 and c8 vettes.

this a million fucking times. and the fucking stupid fucks with the trump punisher logo.

I dated this guy once who likes The Punisher. This describes him *accurately* 😂

It’s not just white supremacists, but all types of genocidal far right supremacists. For example, the Punisher logo is popular in the IDF these days. Classic “are we the baddies” symbolism.




Yeah, Framk would snap the legs of all of them one by one.


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