I still remember that Day

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And me when my first block crushes me

When you realize your crush just hit you with the ‘block’ button like it’s a delete file option. RIP, my soul.

Been hopeless ever since

Worry not. Go for her sister.

First crush…? It’s something spherical?

what does “crush” mean? (it’s not a joke, it’s a question)

same thing happens when your SO says they want a divorce

Ahh yes, this little maneuver will cost us 30 years

I have resigned myself to collecting the whole set being as I am the common thread to each such tapestry.

Me when I die in a online game

And here is me who never even interacted with my crush

At a glance, thought it said cousin. Rejected for wincest is worse. Sorry m8.

I can’t remember where I heard it but someone said something along the lines of “instead of chasing after people to date, work on yourself and become a person worthy of being dated that others would want to chase after”

Meh, you get used to it.

There wasn’t social media or even internet during the time of my youth let alone a first crush lol

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