I think I just witnessed a murder here

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RW nutjobs trying to appropriate everything “cool” for themselves, when the “cool” stuff is actually mocking/criticising them, which they’re too smooth-brained and hungover to realise.

Conservatives fail at creating culture so they have to try and steal it each chance they get.

He’s also an illegal alien.

loyal to a single women….since when did that become a right-wing concept.

Loyal to one woman…as Republicans just elected a serial adulterer and adjudicated rapist to our highest office

What did Superman say, again?

“…And remember, boys and girls, your school – like our country – is made up of Americans of MANY different races, religions and national origins, so…

…if YOU hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of his religion, race or national origin – don’t wait: tell him THAT KIND OF TALK IS **UN-AMERICAN.**


The same right wing dumbasses think George Carlin would have supported them

A white male illegal alien from another planet, got it

Jon has never read a Superman comic in his life.

Absolute Superman speaks of the downtrodden and lower class as his own people. In issue 2, he refers to the people stepped on by others as “the people of Steel.” This is Superman at his purest, someone who came from another world and understands just how precious life really is, a perspective that comes easily being the last of your people

He’s outraged over that thing he knows nothing about.

Loyal to one woman? Like the GOP leadership Trump & Leon ? The GOP has a higher divorce rate than the Democrats.

Man, if you think Superman is a right wing concept you are about to be real mad at James Gunn. Gunn who actually knows these characters is going to show you just who and what Superman actually stands for. Also, dude is literally putting out a show right now (Creature Commandos) that is having a hero robot shooting nazis in the face…good luck with your right wing concepts LOL!

They confuse Superman and Homelander.

His arch-nemesis is a CEO. Since when is being monogamous right-wing? Every lefty I know is happily married.

If the American right didn’t steal idealistic figureheads they wouldn’t have any at all.

Oh. They don’t. 

Furthermore, it’s just like real life where they are okay with immigrants if they’re ‘just like us’ but if Superman had green skin and hair they’d deport him.

Literally, I mean literally, a deconstruction for the ubermensch.

Superman, as others have pointed out, is an undocumented refugee who stands up for the downtrodden and champions inclusivity. He wasn’t right wing when he was created, and he isn’t now.

To play devil’s advocate for a moment, however, I will point out that he represents an assimilationist vision of an immigrant success story and one that bolsters (intentionally or not) American exceptionalism. He’s the melting pot rather than the salad bowl. That isn’t explicitly rightwing, but it is at odds with some currents of progressive ideology.

I agree with the above person on superman

however superheroes do have “strongman” elements to them that appeal to the right wing . One powerful person that can fix everything and only they can fix it for example. “ubermensch ” literally means superman

that said superman is a champion of the vulnerable and in no way right wing in that regard

Oh yeah, he went after sweatshops, landlords, laws that allowed children to gamble (penny slots), and pretty much every societal ill in in the late-1930sand early-1940s.

I think the right wing incels are thinking about Injustice Superman.

I hope they are having a “what? The Boys have been mocking me this whole time?” moment with Superman…

Wait ’til they learn about Captain America!

He’s also a refugee that has to hide who he is.

His main villain is a billionaire

He’s also…. an alien….. who didn’t immigrate here legally

I hope that none of these freaks enjoy anything ever. The mental gymnastics to try and fit Superman into some kind of “white supremacist dream” is INSANE, ignorant of everything. Additionally this guy is outing himself as considering white supremacy = conservative values.

“loyal to one woman” is not a right-wing concept. in fact, it’s one they’ve shown they really struggle with

He’s also an immigrant.

He is an illegal immigrant who saves Americans, and his main rival is billionaire Elon Mus… I mean Lex Luthor. Yeah, very right-wing.

Watch out republicans, Superman beats wife beaters. Good thing he’s a work of fiction like your orange morons plans to fix America.

Since when is being fit, strong, and loyal a uniquely conservative, white, right wing concept?

Wild take. Superman’s primary villian is a wealthy man with no morals and exists in a permanently aggrieved state-regardless of how much money he has. The right has way more in common with Luthor.

Del Arroz being a moron? Shocker.

Do The Punisher next!

Lmaooo at loyal to ONE woman in marriage. The only men who cheated on me were conservatives.

Superman is married?

Jon is channeling his ubermensch Randian amorality and trying to conflate it with Superman…..how ….fascist.

But let’s also use the right’s own bigoted judgement criteria: why does the opinion of a person with a *hispanic* last name like Del Arroz matter?

Since when have conservatives been any more loyal to one woman than anyone else has been?

White conservatives don’t care about actual facts. They’ll shape their idols to their ideals, not the truth.

He has a gay son and Doomsday Clock made it explicitly clear that his gender and racial background have nothing to do with his excellence canonically

It’s not a murder. He’s immune to what was written in response to his idiocy because he can’t read.

It doesn’t get any better than a RW nut championing an illegal alien as the Pinnacle of their ideal man.

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