I think that’s the risk of getting a tattoo like this.

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Not mine, but this is one of my favorite comments I’ve ever seen on Reddit, in response to this image posted somewhere else

> I met a guy with a tattoo he said meant “lover of Asian beauty.” The tattoo actually said “foreign pervert”

I’ve considered getting this tattooed on my neck in the past “知足常乐” but never go through with it.

I can speak Mandarin so no danger of being tricked, it means contentment brings happiness, or being happy with your lot.

I’m not Chinese but I have “no money. no clothes” tattooed on my arm in Mandarin.

I live in China and love to tell Chinese people that I think it says “strong like a dragon” on my arm, show them my tattoo and then watch them react.

Have you guys ever seen English on a shirt in an Asian market? Exact same thing lol

the real risk isn’t the mistranslation, it’s the sudden realization that your ‘wisdom’ tattoo actually says ‘discount noodles’ lol

I once spotted some guy with “bloody intestines” tattooed on him. I don’t get it. Was he somehow trying to sound cool or does he really like black puddings?

My wife has a tattoo that she believed meant “strong”. The more direct translation turned out to be *bitch*. She later had a modifier added that makes it read, essentially, “grateful bitch” but it’s still a cautionary tale.

Honestly, I should totally try this. Lmao. First person I prank ends up learning Chinese fluently. guess I just made a language expert by accident.

FYI: the literal translation of “butthole” in Chinese is “fart eye”

Have a good day, everybody!

I sometimes think the tattoo artist does this on purpose 😂

I have a friend whom is a professional chef, she intentionally got “Chicken Fried Rice” tattooed on her arm

Famous Facebook post, Lady knitted a sweater using some letters she copied from the local Chinese restaurant.

Imagine her surprise when at a local festival her physician asks her if she knew what her sweater said.

No, she just like the letters.

He told her it said, “Cheap, but very, very good.”

Looks like a lost in translation moment, but with permanent consequences.

Bruh there was a guy who wanted to tattoo Free 自由 but ended up getting “free of cost” instead 無料 💀

I’m considering getting a tattoo somewhere of “lembas” in Elvish, or something like that, as sort of a tongue-in-cheek fantasy homage to people that do this. At least I will know that it says what it says.

I guess that Chinese tattoo on my ex’s chest translates into “I’m a jerk”

That’s what it says, but its not what it means. 😉

When me and my brother were 17 we got our first tattoo together. We got the Chinese symbol for “Brother” on our right shoulder. Years later, I am on a business trip with one of our Chinese supplier. My tattoo casually got brought up, and the lady was eager to see it.

I showed her the tattoo and she says “Oh yes, Little Brother!” and I was dying. I got to tell my older brother that we got matching “Little Brother” tattoos.

I have a friend who thought she had “home” tattooed on the back of her neck in Japanese. Turns out it actually says “house”.

I worked at old navy with a Chinese immigrant. One day a girl came in with a GIANT Chinese tattoo on her back. We asked her to read it and she burst out laughing saying it said “Chicken” and that was slang for prostitute where she was from.

Very mild but when I was like 12 my cousin and I got henna tattoos on a beach. I got a firebird thing, he got some Chinese letters he didn’t understand, but again, thought Chinese characters looked cool. We were looking at our tattoos, admiring how tough we looked, etc. and I look closer at his.

He got a NY Yankees logo

Gonna find that false positive eventually

just give me a tattoo that says FREEDOM on it take your time

Always do research. Google first



I always wanted to have ‚I eat ass‘ in Japanese.


I had a friend who got one on the back of his thigh, that said love. Why he wanted that on the back of his thigh, I’ll never know, but one time we were at a party in college and there was a kid there who explained it did mean love, but love between a man and an animal. Not theove my friend had thought. No idea if that was true, or the dude was just messing around, but I hope it was true.

A Chinese who can’t even read Chinese? Hmm.

Imagine walking around thinking you’re sporting some deep philosophical quote when in reality you’re the human billboard for ‘discount noodles’. Life comes at you fast, lol.

[This is probably my favorite tattoo in Greek.](https://imgur.com/Z9D2UIA)

I assume it’s meant to say “angels of mine”.
But the actual translation reads “angels of the (ore)mine”

A lot of people get 安 thinking it means peace when it just means cheap, making it look like a price tag on their arm

I have been wanting to get ” He who stands on toilet is high on pot” in Cantonese for a while I just haven’t found a good translation or had the money for it yet.


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