In the future give less information. “I’m in the ER with a medical emergency. I won’t be in today.”
I have to go to the ER occasionally with migraines. The amount of people who don’t understand how that would necesitate an ER visit is a lot. They’re like “I get headaches all the time, I just take a tynenol.”
13 days ago
I would simply reiterate “I’m at the ER with my WIFE, I won’t be in today” and if he can’t comprehend that and makes a deal over it, it sounds like a talk with higher ups is in order, or, easier said than done I know, get a new job and be vocal as to why you’re leaving.
13 days ago
That’s ridiculous. I hope your wife gets better soon. Start looking for another job honestly.
13 days ago
you don’t need to respond. You were informing him, not asking.
13 days ago
Just a word of advice: Keep emergency texts short and to the point. You don’t need to explain everything and it undercuts the seriousness of the communication.
***”Boss, I am going to be a little late today, I am dealing with a family emergency.”***
If they ask for more information?
***”My wife is ill and I may/am taking her to the emergency room.”***
Most bosses don’t need, or want, details; They just want to know how it will affect production. Remember: *Work is about you making them money; They are not your family. They do not care about you as an individual. You are replaceable.* — Keep this in mind and you won’t be disappointed or hurt when this fact of life is thrown in your face.
13 days ago
I had to go to the ER recently. My boss took it upon himself to cancel all my meetings, told everyone not to email me for a month and to send all problems to him instead, told me to stay home for the week, and told me not to take any PTO for it. Your boss sucks, man, I’m sorry. A little humanity goes a long way.
13 days ago
For the future, don’t give so many details & don’t even bother telling them what’s going on. A simple “emergency ER visit” is good enough.
13 days ago
Boss is a dick but you said way, way too much. A simple “family emergency – I’m going to be a few hours late today. I’ll keep you posted as I find out more” would have been more professional, and more direct.
13 days ago
Yeah simply tell him sorry I’m at the ER for an emergency I cannot make it in today. Dude won’t and will never care. But that’s 99% of management nowadays
13 days ago
“Gee, I’m sorry, I’ll try to plan medical emergencies more conveniently for you.”
13 days ago
I feel you’re sharing a lot, including personal information about family medical history.
Message: Hi boss, have an emergency, taking wife to ER. Cannot be in today.
13 days ago
“I’m at the emergency room with my wife. I won’t be in today” leave it at that.
I probably wouldn’t have said the stuff about worse than you’ve ever seen her as it could be seen as exaggerating for effect
13 days ago
People always volunteer too much information, thinking they’re strengthening their case, but it just does the opposite. Tell them you have to take your wife to the ER. That’s it. That’s the emergency, that’s what you need to handle. All of the extraneous detail just makes it look like excuses.
I hope your wife is doing well, and that there was no blowback from this. Good on you for being where you need to be, not where your boss thinks you should be! I tell all of my employees, you work for me, but your family is the most important thing, they come first, and mine will as well.
Your company will post for your replacement before your family will post your obituary. Invest your energy where it counts.
13 days ago
I’ve been there too. Blacked out and woke up with chest pain a few weeks ago so had to go to hospital to be checked over. My boss replied with “you were fine all week though” 🙄
Employers can be really heartless sometimes. Hope your wife is okay ❤️
13 days ago
Why even go in to such detail. Text should read, wife is sick, I am taking her to the ER and turn off your phone.
13 days ago
Stop using so many words. You get sick days, call in sick.
I hope your wife feels better soon. 🙂
13 days ago
You shared entirely too much info with you boss.
“My wife is violently ill, I’ll be taking her to the ER and will be late. I’ll update when I know more”
That’s it. No asking, you’re telling
13 days ago
Yall give way too much info when you can just say family emergency
13 days ago
“Ok, be there as soon as I can boss.”
And then go about what you gotta do.
Two days later?
“Yeah, that’s as soon as I could.”
13 days ago
I would just not respond. Boss has already been informed and knows what’s going on. Reiterating won’t change that.
13 days ago
the more you explain, the worst.
13 days ago
TMI dude. Just say you can’t come in.
13 days ago
Don’t give so much details. Boss won’t care anyway. Boss is clearly a jerk, but you shared way too much. Most bosses don’t care and don’t expect them to. Most of them didn’t get the position due to empathy and kindness.
13 days ago
Way too much information for an employer. He’ll think you’re overreacting if she can be left while you do school run etc – also he will hold you to “few hours late”.
Next time just say you have a family emergency you need to deal with and will advise when/if you can make it in next *after* – more than enough for them to cover for a day
13 days ago
Don’t give so much personal info about the medical stuff next time.
Hello, my wife is going ti the ER so I will be taking some sick time today. I will be in when I can and will let you know when I have more info
In the future give less information. “I’m in the ER with a medical emergency. I won’t be in today.”
I have to go to the ER occasionally with migraines. The amount of people who don’t understand how that would necesitate an ER visit is a lot. They’re like “I get headaches all the time, I just take a tynenol.”
I would simply reiterate “I’m at the ER with my WIFE, I won’t be in today” and if he can’t comprehend that and makes a deal over it, it sounds like a talk with higher ups is in order, or, easier said than done I know, get a new job and be vocal as to why you’re leaving.
That’s ridiculous. I hope your wife gets better soon. Start looking for another job honestly.
you don’t need to respond. You were informing him, not asking.
Just a word of advice: Keep emergency texts short and to the point. You don’t need to explain everything and it undercuts the seriousness of the communication.
***”Boss, I am going to be a little late today, I am dealing with a family emergency.”***
If they ask for more information?
***”My wife is ill and I may/am taking her to the emergency room.”***
Most bosses don’t need, or want, details; They just want to know how it will affect production. Remember: *Work is about you making them money; They are not your family. They do not care about you as an individual. You are replaceable.* — Keep this in mind and you won’t be disappointed or hurt when this fact of life is thrown in your face.
I had to go to the ER recently. My boss took it upon himself to cancel all my meetings, told everyone not to email me for a month and to send all problems to him instead, told me to stay home for the week, and told me not to take any PTO for it. Your boss sucks, man, I’m sorry. A little humanity goes a long way.
For the future, don’t give so many details & don’t even bother telling them what’s going on. A simple “emergency ER visit” is good enough.
Boss is a dick but you said way, way too much. A simple “family emergency – I’m going to be a few hours late today. I’ll keep you posted as I find out more” would have been more professional, and more direct.
Yeah simply tell him sorry I’m at the ER for an emergency I cannot make it in today. Dude won’t and will never care. But that’s 99% of management nowadays
“Gee, I’m sorry, I’ll try to plan medical emergencies more conveniently for you.”
I feel you’re sharing a lot, including personal information about family medical history.
Message: Hi boss, have an emergency, taking wife to ER. Cannot be in today.
“I’m at the emergency room with my wife. I won’t be in today” leave it at that.
I probably wouldn’t have said the stuff about worse than you’ve ever seen her as it could be seen as exaggerating for effect
People always volunteer too much information, thinking they’re strengthening their case, but it just does the opposite. Tell them you have to take your wife to the ER. That’s it. That’s the emergency, that’s what you need to handle. All of the extraneous detail just makes it look like excuses.
I hope your wife is doing well, and that there was no blowback from this. Good on you for being where you need to be, not where your boss thinks you should be! I tell all of my employees, you work for me, but your family is the most important thing, they come first, and mine will as well.
Your company will post for your replacement before your family will post your obituary. Invest your energy where it counts.
I’ve been there too. Blacked out and woke up with chest pain a few weeks ago so had to go to hospital to be checked over. My boss replied with “you were fine all week though” 🙄
Employers can be really heartless sometimes. Hope your wife is okay ❤️
Why even go in to such detail. Text should read, wife is sick, I am taking her to the ER and turn off your phone.
Stop using so many words. You get sick days, call in sick.
I hope your wife feels better soon. 🙂
You shared entirely too much info with you boss.
“My wife is violently ill, I’ll be taking her to the ER and will be late. I’ll update when I know more”
That’s it. No asking, you’re telling
Yall give way too much info when you can just say family emergency
“Ok, be there as soon as I can boss.”
And then go about what you gotta do.
Two days later?
“Yeah, that’s as soon as I could.”
I would just not respond. Boss has already been informed and knows what’s going on. Reiterating won’t change that.
the more you explain, the worst.
TMI dude. Just say you can’t come in.
Don’t give so much details. Boss won’t care anyway. Boss is clearly a jerk, but you shared way too much. Most bosses don’t care and don’t expect them to. Most of them didn’t get the position due to empathy and kindness.
Way too much information for an employer. He’ll think you’re overreacting if she can be left while you do school run etc – also he will hold you to “few hours late”.
Next time just say you have a family emergency you need to deal with and will advise when/if you can make it in next *after* – more than enough for them to cover for a day
Don’t give so much personal info about the medical stuff next time.
Hello, my wife is going ti the ER so I will be taking some sick time today. I will be in when I can and will let you know when I have more info
Don’t give work details.
I won’t be in to work. Medical Emergency.
That’s it. That’s all you say.
What a POS. Employers have no humanity.