I used a 14″ telescope to capture the moon, and was photobombed by the ISS

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This “photobombing” was actually meticulously planned. These are always tricky shots to get, as you have to be in the precisely correct location and the ISS moves quite quickly. In fact, it was only in the field of view of my camera for .17s!

To capture it, I used a telescope at a whopping 4125mm of focal length and a small planetary camera running at 130 frames per second.

Thankfully, I set up in the correct location and got this shot! This is only a small crop of the full image, which is a 230 megapixel mosaic.

I threw a couple free high resolution downloads of this on my website you’re welcome to download and use as wallpapers, [linked in the image description here](https://cosmicbackground.io/pages/ea_almost-to-shackleton)

That moon has seen some things. So many craters.

Really cool. And for those who don’t frequent astronomy sites often, what’s even crazier is that as cool as it is, it’s not even close to the coolest pic he’s taken. His work is amazing.

Nice work! Very impressive.

my dyslexic ass “bombed by the isis”

Dang space junk ruining our view of space! /s

That’s a great shot

This is pretty fucking awesome. Nice work!


Those bastages!

I’d frame this. Holy shit

This is such an amazing picture. I think you did really great. Seeing the ISS always gives me hope of a better future. I needed that today. A reminder there is good in humanity. Thank you.

hard to believe that it looks like the chinese will beat us back to the moon.

That is cool af

That’s damn cool

Excellent pic, thanks for sharing!

That is very awesome, thank you for posting the photo and the info

Very cool!

That’s a lot of cheese


What a shot!


Still better than getting bombed by isis

If you zoom in really close to the ISS you can see an astronaut mooning you out of the porthole

Damn, this is an incredible pic.

Sorted by new and was midly disappointed by the lack of flat earthers. Good photo though.

If you zoom in a bit more you’ll see a guy looking back at you with his telescope from the spacestation…… how awkward…… lol


Waiting for flattard idiotic takes now.

Love the composition, very well done. Gives off an ominous feel. Almost death star like vibe.

Looks like it is ON the moon! Cool.

Now that’s cool

Nice picture of space junk!

Damn amazing.

Plot twist: the actual intent was to take a picture of the ISS and the moon photobombed OP.

*shocked faced with loud gasp from the live studio audience*

Move quite quickly @ 27,582 km/h

This looks amazing!

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