I was cleaning my radiators in my house when a nazi medal fell out.

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The metal part looks like a [War Merit Medal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Merit_Medal), though the ribbon looks more like that of an [East Front Medal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Medal). How long have you been living in the house? Any idea who lived there previously? My best guess would be that this was war booty brought back by a WWII GI, but there could be a huge range of backstories for it.

My understanding is lots of allied soldiers kept stuff like these as souvenirs. You know of certain tasks they were especially proud of.

I’m wouldn’t worry too much, a lot of troops who went to Europe brought things back as part of spoils of war. I’ve seen things like this that were brought back as mementos of what they were fighting agianst.

Where are you located?

Appears to be a [War Merit Medal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Merit_Medal) issued to civilians.

Let see the grilled cheese off the radiator instead.

This timeline is malfunctioning so badly that nazi regalia is spawning randomly out of the aether.

Hate when that happens.

Now I’m curious what the state of your radiator was like before you cleaned it lol.

Gonna agree with folks on here and say this is a war trophy. Gramps probably brought it back after the war and maybe it just fell behind the radiator and he forgot about it.

That’s a heil of a find!

I believe that’s a Roman medal

thats so cool! my guess is someone was in the millitary during wwii and brought back a trophy. someone i know has an old nazi gun that was brought back by his grandfather as a trophy after (i assume) killing a man. keep that as a reminder that the evil powers can never win!! super cool.

Bet you did nazi that coming.

That’s awesome! If you don’t want it sell it don’t destroy it.

The younger generations also need to learn about project Paper Clip . The US brought over many Nazi scientists and government officials back to the US , pardoned their war crimes and allowed them to start over clean slate in the US .

You could probably sell it to a history nut. Despite the negative connotation, what with it being a nazi item, some history nuts will be happy to have any memorabilia or any item of historical import.

Granted cos of the fact it’s nazi, you might not be able to sell it to them, but ya never know till ya try. Like shit, i aint a history nut, but i think that it is pretty cool in the “ancient piece of history” kinda way. Like the symbolism and what it stands for aint cool, but owning a piece of history kinda seems cool.

My Grandpa had a pile of nazi weapons and firearms in his closet.

do you live in the white house by chance?

It’s a German war merit medal given for either military or civilian service to the war effort,

Probably not worn by an actual Nazi (waffen SS officers) but likely awarded to a basic conscript or volunteer soldier from Germany or one of their controlled territories pre 1943 serving in the wermacht (normal German military) for taking part in a campaign or gaining a promotion,

My guess would be it was awarded for taking part in the invasion of France, Denmark, Belgium, or Poland.

Over 4 million of these were awarded between 1939 and 1943,

Could be a Tesla radiator

There’s at least nein jokes about this in the comments, that’s not reich.

The house must be in runes.

That’s an awesome find, and it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. That thing might come in handy pretty soon

My Great Uncle served in WWII and after my grandmother passed I found a box that she had inherited from him that is full of items they took off of the SS soldiers. There’s also an arm band and some photographs. I have just kept them in the box but I was thinking maybe I should see if a museum would want them.

Some absolute legend probably killed a Nazi to get that!

you have been recruited!

It’s a medal for the “war effort” that was mostly given to labor workers.

Heil Heater?

My grandfather was a kid during WW2. His family hid Jews in there basement from the Nazis. They had a small window along the pathway to their door where he could see the Nazi’s boots as they walked past. He could have to sit in the basement with his German Shepherd and hold its mouth shut, because that dog hard Nazis with a passion and would start barking and growling if he didn’t. If anyone here has read the Scout books, the stories are partially based on my grandfather and his dog. I recall a story where the Nazis came to see if they had cream or milk (things that would indicate you had a fair amount of money), and found a bottle of milk. My great grandmother lied to them and said it was breast milk for her baby. The Nazis bought it.

Bet you did nazi that coming

I bet you did nazi that coming.

Holy fuck. That would send such immediate and overwhelming chills down my spine if i had come across something like that in that manner.

nazis are coming out of the woodwork these days, so why not a radiator?

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