I was crossing the border to the US and somebody got their eggs confiscated by the border patrol.

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Eggs and fresh meat are no-nos when it comes to customs

You gotta cook those first! Cross the border with 20 platters of deviled eggs.

It’s because they’re supposed to declare anything with a value above $10,000.

My wife tried to bring quail eggs into the US (she disclosed to customs) and they confiscated. She is now on a list and gets searched every time lol

Not sure why but as a Texan, every once in a while I’ll read an article about a guy who was trying to smuggle several chubs of Mexican bologna into the US. Not sure what’s so great about it but I guess it’s popular.

That’s like $100 worth of eggs these days

Ouef, that sucks

Canada is patrolling the border with Blackhawk copters looking for egg smugglers. US Border Patrol is so weak that Canada has to do their job.

the border patrol agents about to eat good lol. next they’re gonna confiscate some pots and pans

Can’t have them hatching across the border and becoming American chickens

This is funny because a LOT of our eggs at the grocery store come from Mexico. But as private citizens we can’t bring any over.

With the bird flu, that’s no surprise.

Border Security ain’t “Yolken” around man.

Economy so fucked we got the egg cartel showing up!

Agents gonna pose with those eggs. That’s a street value of over $110,000

Eggs are so expensive because the conservatives are making chickens carry their eggs full term.

No “omelette this go?”


Yes we have no huevos

Retaliation for renaming the Gulf!

Is it legal to hang out near border crossings and take trash eggs?

What if you need to pick up a friend in mexico after buying groceries in the US?

What the hell did they eggspect?

*why are they in the trash that’s like 200 bucks worth of eggs*

Is this about coming into the US or coming into California? I know California doesn’t allow a lot of agricultural products but I thought that was just plants. Oh, maybe this is about bird flu? What is this about???

Okay, I googled. It’s about bird flu and other pests. Not just the California border.

When I was a teenager we went to Scotland. I must had just been 18 since I got beer there and thought it was great (TBH the cask strength talisker was THE BOMB).. I digress. We were either coming into the US or leaving Scotland and they asked if we had any plants, fruits, veg or seeds and my mother was like “Oh yeah we have a bunch of wild flower seeds”. The look we got and then the search that ensued…


In this economy?

Contrabando en los huevos

You just did half of their groceries they didn’t even have to go to the store


I bring kosher meat from Canada to the states and have never had it confiscated

Please share the location. I want to grab those.

I was chatting with an IT executive from a Mexican poultry and egg company on Monday.

The joke in their industry is that the hot Valentine’s Day gift this year is a dozen eggs. Really shows you care!

No love for eggs

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