I was not good in mathematics anyways

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I sent this to my math teacher

Me when i choose profession without math and them brag about how i don’t need math

I sin every day.

I know this is a joke, but this is deeply brain roted and if you think like this and you’re older than 18, i feel bad for you lol

And here i am using them on a daily basis

I use them quite frequently, but then again I’m studying physics

Sin, cos and tan brought to you by the same people that “discovered” imaginary numbers instead of just admitting they were wrong

Yeah, but how many times have you used derivatives?

I actually had to use those in engineering. Had to calculate round chamber sizes and how volume scales with lenght.

In normal situation there would have been automatic calculator for that, but this was for custom machine

Is 1209 in radians or degrees?

Haven’t used any of those in over 12,000 days for me

he is too old for 1209 days not using cos/sin! I’m 28 and I haven’t used sin/cos for about 2300 days and that’s only if you count from the time I graduated from college.

Okay.. but.. how about ctg?

I mean dum dum like you and me can’t use it ofcourse but what about your headphones? or your Google forcast? or idk FUCKING phone? they are taught so that we can use those features. how about just let STEM people do their shit and not shit on them?

Days since last Trigonometry: 8

My best streak is 2291 days, though!

Or sine, cosine and tane functions

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