I went to an unknown (for me) island 2 hours from home and mapped it from scratch with a compass and a rangefinder!

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I set off to map an island in Brittany using a compass and a rangefinder, starting from scratch: without a map, without the internet, without even knowing the island… and I made a [video](https://youtu.be/0t4hSnIGC_g?si=1_HAxcC1xQlQLTXW) about the whole thing!

๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ ๐ŸŒ€ ๐Ÿฆญ

The video is in french but auto generated english subtitles should allow you to get most of what I say. The map is finished and I still have no idea of the accuracy of the result, but I don’t care!

Ever since I was a child, I’ve dreamt of discovering a continent, treading through impenetrable jungles or naming unknown peaks, and I’ve finally set my sights on… the island of Molรจne, about ten kilometres from mainland France and 2 hours by boat from my home! Why go so far to search, probably in vain, uncharted territories in this age of satellites and cheap, fast air travel?

Just a rhetorical question. The actual question this time is: why Molรจne?

I’d never heard of the island before and it’s only a two-hour boat ride from my home, operated by the Regional Council. It’s hard to think of a more accessible ‘Terra Incognita’! And yet we’re at the end of the world, on the very edge of Europe…

After two days of compass and rangefinder surveys, I returned home to draw the lines and create a map that will no doubt be unique…

๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ ๐ŸŒ€ ๐Ÿฆญ

I won’t say more, it’s all in the [video](https://youtu.be/0t4hSnIGC_g?si=1_HAxcC1xQlQLTXW)!

This is a cool thing to do. I’m glad that people like you exist.

Now this guy is allowed to use that meme about being born too late/too early.

Really cool

As an ex-GIS analyst with two Geography degrees, this is fucking awesome. Such a great idea and nice job!

I have a nice career as a business analyst. It’s been 10+ years since I used ArcGIS and I miss it. Making maps is the perfect combination of science and art. So satisfying.

Congratulations! This looks so cool

DORK. Kidding, thatโ€™s pretty cool actually. Nicely illustrated too!

Great work!

You are talented. Congratulations

thatโ€™s so hot

Sounds fun

What discipline is this called? Or. How did you know to do this?

C’est bon!

You look like the kind of person I want to be friends with. Just a smart, interesting, cool guy.


Very impressive!!! To graduate with my geology degree we had a similar assignment. Thankfully were did as teams bc i canโ€™t draw a straight linesโ€ฆexcellent in the field thoughโ€ฆ

You have a sweet smile.

Awesome job, sir. But Iโ€™m really going to need you to put at least one sea monster in there

alors? t’as vu ta peine?

You’re one of the people I’ll take with me during the zombie apocalypse!

That is incredibly bad ass. Do you sell your maps? I would be interested if you do!

You’re an interesting and talented fella! Don’t lose that.

Thanks for sharing!

I love an obscure hobby. This is cool as hell

That’s a damn good photo of you.

Wes Anderson vibes.

So cool! Also some serous hair envy.

Husband material

That is pretty interesting. How long did it take

Nice job.


I couldnโ€™t do this if you gave me a lifetime.

Great work!

This man geographies.

What does the 0 at the Western point of north arrow represent?


I love nerdy stuff like this. I’m also love the looks on the faces of your loved ones as you try to explain why you went to an island and mapped it.

Based on the Google Maps imagery, you did a bang up job on Molene itself. Not so much the island directly to the east.

trรจs impressionnant!

Very impressive! Doing a side-by-side comparison of your map vs satelite, it’s incredible how accurate a map can be made with a compass + rangefinder.

Well done!

That’s incredible. Nicely done!

North, East, Southโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. Orangutan???

Is there a eli5 for how this is done? It’s so impressive!!

This is really cool

This is fucking baller.

proud of you


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