I went to the South Pole

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This one friend on a random Tuesday at 1pm:

Visits the South Pole

โ€œMildly interestingโ€

Not too many people can say they have circumnavigated the globe in 10 seconds.

And I went to the stripper pole, don’t see me bragging about it! Hehehe

Congrats! What is your field of work?

Picture should have been upside down …

I’ve looked into tourist flights available for this visit to the South pole. Flies out of Chile I think? Family has expressed interest before.

Is there actually a pole?!

and not wearing gloves lol.. nice job man!


It looks like a barbers’ pole – did you get a haircut while you were there? ๐Ÿ˜‚

More than just mildly interesting. Congratulations!

Do a handstand there and you’ll be holding the entire planet from the bottom.

Good lord. Why would anyone want to risk running into the Anti-Santa?

Did you see the flat earthers?

Flat earthers can’t comprehend

that one guy when i call them today because yesterday he was on moon

This belongs on r/damnthatsinteresting

Dare you to lick the pole! Double dog dare even!!!

What qualliefies a country to have its flag at the south pole

It’s crazy to think, standing at that exact point, every direction you look is north of you.

Nice try.

That’s the North Pole, you’d be upside down if it was the South Pole.

Oho oho oho

then why are you not upside down SMH

Tell Eric B that i said hi.

Did u sign the guestbook ?

I love the international game of ‘dibs’ going on all around that point.

Because I am Australian


Looks a good day for it!

Frozen balls?

Weather looks nice.

At least Robert Scott beat YOU there. ๐Ÿ˜‰

What a conveniently placed arm support!

So you’re actually upside down in this photo?

How cold was it?

Itโ€™s amazing to me someone actually found the coordinates for this and then put a pole straight up. I would have just slammed it into the ground and been like โ€œgood enoughโ€

this is terrifying for me but that must be quite the experience!

Hasnโ€™t it moved now?

Are those flags there year-round?

But itโ€™s a dry cold

But why not the North Pole so you can hang with Santa and his elves….. I guess then it wouldn’t be mildly interesting lol

You one of those Flat Earthers Ive been seeing all over Reddit lately?

Did you see any polar bears over there? ๐Ÿ˜›

I’m sorry David, I didn’t know you meant that south pole ๐Ÿฅฒ

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