I will be 32 at Jan-3 , even my mom lost hope about me haha.

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You know it’s bad when your mom loses hope for you. 

I don’t know if this will reach you , but I truly wish u find someone in this year…
Keep the chin up my friend 💪

32 is not the end of anything. Get a hobby and go meet some people.

Ya do know that doesn’t mean they are happy…

They could be miserable and married, whereas you are still on the look out !

Happy Birthday 32 in 2 days

It’s not too late, maybe you will find love of your life in 2025 and become a millionaire

i guess i’ll just be that cool uncle

I will be 32 this month as well. Similar situation as you but I do finally have a SO and while things aren’t super serious they are moving in that direction. I was single for 4 years before then. Just keep trying, you’ll find someone OP.

!remindme 2 days

I’m in a similar situation but older

I’ll be 32 this year as well. No partner yet either, because finding a guy who’s mostly compatible with me and can stand my bullshit is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I still prefer this over how miserable and exhausted some of cousins who are married with kids looked, there’s one who is basically just roommates with his wife now because their son has some developmental issues and pushed them all apart. Having your own family doesn’t always guarantee happiness, I’m afraid.

I’m 40 and still don’t have a partner and kids. But I am genuinely happy. Hope you find your passion and happiness in life. It’s not the end of the tunnel and I can assure you that having spouses and kids is not always the answer.

Eyo why you targetting me personally ngga

39 and chilling with my ps5😐. Can’t complain.

Instagram is a cesspool of people sharing their best moments while conveniently bottling up their worst. As a result, they make their lives appear to be better than they actually are, even when they don’t realise it.

TLDR, just because you see people u used to know are married doesn’t mean their life is better (they have less discretionary money, less time, more work etc.)

Meh drugs are better than family

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