I will never understand those people

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As I’ve always said. I can always add more layers but I can’t take my fucking skin off.


Some people’s “hot” is probably like 70° F while their cold is like -40°

I have a blood disease that makes it extra difficult for me to warm up. The worse part is sometimes it will be a reasonably warm or down right hot environment and my body still decides I should shiver or go into ‘rigors’. The worst combination is when you’re hot as hell but still freezing and just sit there as your body convulses, sweating and shivering simultaneously. Word of advice to all, don’t get ITP.

I want to join the cold loving bandwagon but every time I find myself unable to breathe in the winter…I desperately yearn for summer to come😭

Story of my life.

Yeah but I don’t always have those layers available

But heat *Is* better than cold. I can stand heat way better than I can stand the cold, and I live in Michigan.

Um, but it is

I hate the cold. I’d rather sweat then having to stay indoors all the time because of the weather

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