I wish that this is made up

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Saw someone post โ€œI didnโ€™t fuck around so why do I have to find outโ€ and Iโ€™ve never agreed with someone more

โ€œI voted to repeal Obamacare, not the Affordable Care Actโ€.


Edit: itโ€™s almost as if people simply voted how they were told to vote, without actually thinking about (or understanding) consequences.

add to that: people will still blame ILLEGALS and DEMONCRATS.

I wonder how many of those 40 million voted for this exact scenario. No sympathy for those ones. Sucks for the innocent victims of other peoples stupidity though.

Don’t worry – I’m sure boner pills will still be readily available

We all lost the election, some just donโ€™t know it yet

Trump: I will cancel it.

Maga: Derp derp

Trump: I have cancelled it

Maga: WTF Biden

Wtf were Americans expecting with trump at the steering wheel? Better live for the people who voted for him? My prediction is… you ain’t seen nothing yet.

I am one of the 45 million who stand to lose their insurance. I am going to be asking my doctor to write me a year of refills for all of my medications.

No big deal they cancelled healthcare for 300m people when they announced RFK Jr

I fucking hate that many of us who actually donโ€™t have shit for brains will suffer along with the dumbasses who voted him in.

The Leopards will feast well these next four years.

Not like Republicans haven’t been telling us they were going to do it for over two decades. Let’s just hope there isn’t another massive outbreak under Trump’s “watch.”

Yep. Got wars and a military to pay for.

It’s time this country stopped catering to the wealthy and corporations. People’s lives are at stake. People can’t afford to live here. They’re stripping away all lifeline people depend on. What happens when people can no longer afford to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table? You can’t keep taking and expect that system to be sustainable. People are going to break. Our tax dollars should be used to improve our lives. Not make wealthy people wealthier or give corporations the opportunity to exploit their workers, the planet, or the systems.

People are done.

The party of “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is about to have its bootstraps repossessed.

And I am here for it.

Feel awful for anyone who voted Democrat. Will not shed one tear for Republicans or those that didnโ€™t vote. This was what they chose and deserve anything that happens to them

Remember all the โ€˜heโ€™s hurting the wrong people?โ€™

My guess is when everyoneโ€™s nana or mom and dad is suddenly unable to get healthcare, folks are going to absolutely lose their collective shitโ€ฆ

All you idiots that thought flirting with fascism was ok as long as you got cheap eggs โ€ฆ..

Eggs are about to be way more expensive, and PS no healthcareโ€ฆ

People think all hope is lostโ€ฆ people think weโ€™re doomedโ€ฆ

I think trump is gonna find out the hard way that his army of morons can turn on him just as quick as anyone elseโ€ฆ

You donโ€™t fuck with peopleโ€™s health or the health of their familyโ€ฆ thatโ€™s how shit gets realโ€ฆ.

If you thought America was an oligarchy before, just wait. You ain’t seen nothing yet! If you don’t have money prepare to have no healthcare, education, housing, or food! MAGA!

Good luck my American cousins , us brits have made some shit decisions over the past few years but nothing like this .

Iโ€™m just sorry for the ones who voted dem and are stuck with the results of the ignorance and stupidity of the maga and the laziness of the other 80mil

America — where you’re actually too poor to live.

Ummmmmmm what did people expect lmao? They are gonna give you raw milk and natural remedies as substitute to doctors. Like people voted for the guy who said bleach, sunlight and horse dewormer are covid treatments.

As one of those 40 million who won’t be able to get new insurance due to “pre existing conditions,” i am pants crapping terrified

How those egg prices looking ๐Ÿ‘€

These rich dudes canโ€™t comprehend that government isnโ€™t a business. Itโ€™s not a for profit thing. Itโ€™s to help its citizens. wtf do they think this is exactly? We pay taxes for these services to help the American citizens.

Good luck America

From: UK person who’s gov is actively trying to destroy our existing health care service…

They have been cutting education for 2 decades. They want it to fail, for several reasons. 1 is obviously dumber people vote republican. I’m not saying every republican is stupid, but every stupid person is republican.

The other is to kill public education. Make it all private. Hire their people to sit and “look over” the money redirected into an account to buy tuition. It’ll be a big amount of money, that they can use how they like, and invest it how they want. Think Jimmy hoffa lending pension money out.

Social security is another. If they privatize it, they gain control of the money, and they will invest it how they please.

America is the only world leading economic country that has for profit Healthcare. We have to pay some company that then tells us if we can use our money for our health.

Trump bought a golf country club that had deposits of large donations by wealthy people, to be in that club. I think the account had like $100 million in it. When a member leaves, he gets his money back. In the meantime, they made interest on the total. Trump basically took that account, and kept it. If a member leaves, he gives that guy his $50k, or $100 k back.

It’s all about making the wealthy, wealthier.

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