I won $17000 on a 3 night cruise and paid off both vehicles and my credit card. I’ll take it.

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Congratulations and fuck you.

Played roulette for the first time the other nights put $5 on 19 and it it hit first spin. I cashed out.

Save back half for your tax bill, friend

WOOOO As you should! congratulations stranger!

Good for you, ya lucky bastard 🍀

Well played 👏

man which cruise i been going on the wrong ones lool wtf

Now never get into credit card debt again. You got a free pass, don’t mess this up.

That’s awesome. And I’m totally jealous.

Genuinely: NO JUDGEMENT and knowing barely any facts, but a 3 night gambling cruise as a thing to do might explain why you’re in this sub.

Damn, I lived to see responsible gambling. That wasn’t on the 2025 bingo card. Of course I’ve been getting screwed on that, I almost put war camels on too

Congrats!!! Thank you for not blowing it all or trying to gamble for more winnings

that is amazingggg congratulations. i cant even imagine how good that would feel

Now you’re never going to be able to stop. Nothing worse than winning big once.

Wow congrats!!! Wish I could get that lucky 😞

god has favorites

I envy you!


Did you pay tax?

If you go back you’re bound to keep winning bro trust

The universe is trying to make me go to the casino.

Nice. I’ve never gambled in my life and never will. Not after watching what it does to people. My parents lifetime deficit must be 100s of thousands

Congrats! 🍾
I hate you


what slot

More life🎉

Set aside a lot for taxes

Don’t forget taxes and congrats and also fu…😉

This makes me so happy to see! Congrats on this life-changing money!

I won enough at the blackjack table to pay for the cruise. Cool man congrats.


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