I wonder if she paid someone to take the bar exam for her?

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Can we stop pretending their failure to answer basic questions is because they’re stupid and just accept that they’re maliciously refusing to even pretend they will follow the rule of law?

Dutch person here, asking for some context… did I understand correctly that she is avoiding to answer this question because she wants to deny birthright citizenship to some people who are entitled to it?

Edit: thanks for all the responses! A second question: many people talk about ‘illegal aliens’ in the responses. Who are these? I was taught that an alien is a life form from outer space. Did they make it to the US, or is this a strategy to divide between groups?

Somewhat classic elision of evil to dumb here.

She was likely saying “my master to whom I am loyal expects me not to promise to keep the constitution intact, so I’ll give a non-answer”, not “I have no idea what that means”

Trump bribed her to drop charges against him back in the day, we already know she is corrupt AF and will do whatever Trump tells her to.

It’s horrifying that we went to the same law school, ugh.

(She was a few years behind me, I thankfully didn’t know her.)

Why can’t they kick these nominees out as soon as they reveal themselves to be horribly unqualified? What a fucking joke the process is.

They weren’t picked for their ability to do the job they were picked for their ability to fellate Trump’s ego. In other words, they’re DEI hires based on their ability to suck up and say what people want to hear.

From what I saw of this hearing about lot of jer answers were nonresponsive

She isn’t qualified and is just a yes man for Trump

Reminds me of “*Roe v Wade is settled law*”.

Imagine growing up in one of the best countries in the world with an abundance of almost everything you can think of and still not having the basic qualification, for the job you apply for. Moral of the story:

Suck Trump Dick. Get Job Quick

I feel like she should get an award for actually managing to give a non-answer that is worse than the actual answer.

You will have to torture a MAGA faithful in order to get them to speak coherently and not dodge questions.

Going up against the Senate is not fearful enough.

It’s a stock answer avoidance. That’s all.

When Bondi was AG of Florida and Florida got told by the federal courts their gay marriage was unconstitutional. She ran back to the state supreme court to make sure the state had to comply with the federal court order.

I learned in K-12 federal trumps state.

What the fuck is up with the celebration of stupidity? Are people proud to be stupid? Is that’s what cool these days, to be as stupid as possible?

This was AFTER she said she wouldn’t take any “homework assignments” from him haha

Trump is not worried about the qualifications of the people he’s nominating for the positions he’s nomimating them for.

He does not care that the people he’s nominating would likely make astonishingly dim decisions which would likely then lead to national security risks, economic instability, and working class financial woes.

He needs them to be incompetent so he looks like the “stable genius” he has tried to sell himself as.

It hasn’t started yet I already feel like it will be the longest 4 years in my entire life.

I want them to start saying, “the record will reflect that answer as a ‘no'” when they give answers like this.

There’s no incompetence in these meetings. It’s all very carefully calculated lies.

Republicans are absolutely fucking morons? Big surprise.

She doesn’t need the bar exam. She needs to re read the Constitution. Do an amendment.

Yes, I suck Trump’s dick.



– Pamela Jo Bondi growing up, prolly

Bondi does not care about or respect the constitution of the United States.

I swear they want the apocalypse to happen, because they probably will die but if a hated group also dies it’s a win

Being unqualified seems to be the top qualification for Trumps cabinet.

Folks, these hearings are all for show and the Republicans know it. Their nominees will get confirmed, probably across the board. In the end, Senate Republicans will do nothing to stop this because this has been their nightly wet dream for decades; total control of each branch of our government. They will remake the government in their own image. This is what we voted for. Or, rather, this is what we did not vote against.

The maga administration is a bunch of uneducated morons. The maga cult doesn’t seem to understand what the orange administration is saying they’re going to do.

I’m excited for four years of
“Oh no, that thing the democrats warned us about is happening!”

The fact that she can’t even lie and say “yes” just to get past this hearing tells you everything you need to know about how fragile of an ego Trump has.

I am going to try this in job interviews.

Do you have experience in Excel?

I will study Excel.

Being incompetent but loyal is all that matters. We will pay for this for generations.

Conservatives: the 2nd amendment is sacred and has to be protected at all costs!
Also conservatives: REPEAL THE 14th AMENDMENT!

Don’t let Trump supporters forget this – don’t let them forget how obviously bad these choices are.

It’s a joke, they all know they will be confirmed, bc the gop knows what to with power the dems keep arguring over virtue…even when Obama had the power he would not use, for fear of the optics

And she, and all of the others, will still be confirmed by the republicans who have the majority.

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