I work in a bakery and this was a cake order we received

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I manage a small bakery and am a staunch republican.

I would not permit this cake. Customer is dumb

I would do it exactly how they want it down to the incorrect spelling

What’s trashy about this? Stupid maybe, but trashy?

Damn that date looks messed up it’s a shame it wasn’t ready in time or was made a week and a half in advance and is super dry and shitty for them.

I wounder if they ment to put down “made” insted of “make”

As miserable in victory as in defeat.

How could you order that cake and not be worried everyone’s spit is in there.

I would accidentally lose it

Put the red lettering on the red of the flag.

Let’s see the finished product!


Take a shit in it.

Probably got some spit in their cake

Can barely type, racist, MAGA supporter. Everything checks out.

So you’re one of the MAGAs special blessed,
You demand a bakery’s’ very best.
Well they’re gonna treat you special,
I’m telling you chum.
Now get yourself ready for some boogers and cum.

The election is over and these Trumpers can’t seem to move on, is this persons life that empty? 🤷

That’s a costco cake order.

For some reason I thought this was detention slip for writing make Kamala Indian again and the color warning they got was red, like a flip a card red lol.

“Made” Kamala Indian Again? Like what, they revoked her Jamaican card? What’s that even supposed to mean?

Bro’s whole personality is the 2024 elections

I’m pretty sure you can decline

Imagine having the 2024 election being the cornerstone of your personality.

Distasteful content aside, wouldn’t red lettering on an American flag cake get lost in the design?

Is it bad I instantly recognized this as the costco sheet ordering form

these people literally don’t have a single shred of personality outside of politics

Ugh. I used to do catering and one time I had to do Glenn Youngkin’s Memorial Day party. It was soooooo hard not to fuck with the food but I loved that job

Use Native American flag/colors for your area and accidently write “Make America Indian Again”

This is hilarious 😆

They living rent free in your heads, just make the cake and move on with your life. 4 more years and he won’t be back

I think you should make the chocolate cake like the chocolate pie in The Help movie, if you get my drift.

Put laxatives in the cake mix.

Is that a lower case “a” on American?! What type of patriot would disgrace our country like that?! 😧

Trump supporters need mental help asap. Not normal.

Kamala Harris is almost literally perfect. She’d had made a fine president, any choice she makes id have supported fully, even war. She was way more qualified than the orange felon tv actor anyways. This election was full of fraud

Trouble with the date?

This is one you’re legally allowed to deny.

Are you allowed to pee in it ??


just make it, lol!


The “american” on the order was pointless. The fact that “flag” is a cake option says it allready

I will never understand people who are so overinvested in politics

A real one would re-upload without the phone number blurred so we can torment them on their big day.

They look like they had trouble figuring out how to write a date lol.

Oh my…..

Put some gay sprinkles in the center for a beautiful surprise

You have the right to refuse any service you want.

You want to force christian backers to make cake against their beliefs, biblical or otherwise, it goes both ways.

What’s up Costco the real question is how you make those two fillings so damn good and why can’t I get a cake half chocolate and half white.

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