I would imagine 95% of this sub should get zero. I did.

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Vynil 🧐

Did ever damn one of them and proud of it!

Not sure if i ever sent a post card. Thats another problem being old.

I’m 31 and have done all of these. I don’t get it. Most of this shit can still be done today

Edit. I’m an idiot and misread it. I was so confused how people had never done these on this subreddit till I reread it

I got a zero. Fun fact hospitals still use fax machines. Others probably do too, but I’m surprised that it’s still in use today.

1 point for me. I never owned an encyclopedia. I just used the ones at the library.

One. I’ve never listened to a vynil record.

One. Never went to Blockbuster.

Zero. AND I can spell vinyl

I just found out that multiple people on my team at work are either completely unable to, or have to really take their time to be able to ready a hand clock. ⏰

They are all under thirty, college educated and fantastic at their jobs, but they never learned how to do it. Absolutely blows my mind.

Blockbuster?! Get out of here. In my day we had mom and pop video stores with porn in a backroom (or sometimes just in an aisle, where a kid like me could just see it if nobody was paying attention).

Do I get additional points taken off for correcting the spelling of “vinyl?”

if you ask a millennial what Microfiche is…

it could make their mind explode

Never have I ever spelled vinyl wrong (#7)


20/20 and I still do 13 of them.

Below zero…

Zero. Fuck I’m old. I can’t wait till the list comes out with items like this: 1.) Used a cell phone to make calls. 2). Sent an email. 3). Drove a car on concrete roads. 4). Lived in a house built by people with power tools. 5). Refrigerators that had shelves in them. 6). Used a flashlight to see in the dark. 7). Microwaves, remember those? 8).

I got a 1. Only because we never owned encyclopedias. I had to go to the library to use one lol

Why are these all in past tense? I still do some of these….

They’re missing

* Listened to music on an 8-track tape
* Loaded a film camera when the film is not in a cartridge
* Used a film movie camera that needed to be wound up
* Used a slide projector with a bed sheet

But some of that is more 60’s or 70’s than 80’s.

Never used a Walkman because I bought an off brand device, so there’s 1. When my husband and I had kids we got an Encarta encyclopedia on CD, so… 1 1/2?

39 years old and I happily got zero

How about paid with that kited paper check?

Zero as well.
I send a fax still about once a year to a company that doesn’t do email.
I also still pay with paper checks, although most of it is electronic now.
Still send postcards, and still use a dictionary, although it is a Japanese/English dictionary.

I got a 1 because they did not have Blockbuster in my small rural community. We had something that was owned by my neighbors called Rent-A-Movie.

I can’t recall if I ever recorded from radio to cassette, but I have recorded to cassette from a record player. Not plugging it into a microphone input, just having the recorder next to the speaker. I have recorded to 8-track. And I remember when CDs were the exciting new thing. I had an early Sony CD player. It was very sensitive to vibration. I also had a portable battery pack for it – it was huge, and drained batteries in no time. It also took D-cell batteries.

Some of those things I’ve done in the past week. WTF?

Big, fat zee-ro.

Some of those I actually did this last month. And vinyl’s hip and trendy again, maybe sounds replace that with 8 track, or reel-to-reel. Or 78rpms. Although I’d still score zero 🤷‍♂️



lol the creator of this never listened to a vinyl cuz they cannot even spell it

We didn’t have a Blockbuster but we had a Crazy Mike’s Video. Does that count?

Am I charged a point if the encyclopedia was owned by my parents, but we sure had them! If no….ZERO

Zero…. Guess I’m old


No, you’re right, I’ve never listened to a vynil. I don’t know what that is.

Scored a perfect zero

If you didn’t get zero, we can’t be friends.

I’ve never owned an Encyclopedia, I used the ones at the library.

So I get 1 point.

ETA I should have read the comments before posting. I swear I didn’t copy /u/4Brtndr1’s comment!!

Zero as well. Brought back some memories

Born in 87 still got 0

I was going to say 20 until I reread and saw the word “never”. Now it is zero.

I didn’t have my reading glasses on.

1. I’ve never listened to vynil. I have listened to vinyl though, idk if that’s the same

I have never listened to a vynil record. I have plenty of records




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