ICE Wants $1B for Deportations, Not Healthcare

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I keep hearing conservatives say we shouldn’t pay for foreign aid or science projects when we have citizens who can’t pay for food and medicine. However, I never hear them propose a budget with those priorities.

Priorities in this country are so messed up. Like, imagine choosing deportations over basic healthcare.

Every step of the deportation plan is extremely flawed. First you have to identify the illegal immigrants. There’s no good way to do this unless you go door to door bothering everyone in the country, leading to a lot of actual citizens getting arrested because they couldn’t prove their citizenship. Second you have the trials, the court systems could not handle all the potential trials. Meaning you either take away their right to a trial (guaranteed by the constitution) or massively ramp up the judicial system. Third, deporting the guilty. You need to identify their home country, and that home country needs to accept the deported. 

The idea of actually deporting every illegal is extremely unrealistic, and not to mention a terrible idea for our economy and the human rights of immigrants and Americans


Just hope they don’t figure out that bullets are cheaper

We wouldn’t get healthcare anyways. It’s like that old trope, we have healthcare at home.

Priorities! Make America racist again!!

Prioritizing cruelty over healthcare says everything about this system. So broken.

America has reached the “We can’t make our lives better, but we can make others’ worse” stage.

America – where hating the poor & minorities and living the rich & criminals is normal behavior.

I didn’t know you spell Gestapo…ICE

The first camps will open in March or April. History repeating itself 1933 style.

Tell them rich to pay taxes

That’s a low bar for ‘clever’.

$1B seems low honestly, for what they are proposing

There are 70 million horrible bigots that voted for the Mango Menace that will be fine with concentration camps. They will be the Good Germans of the next few years.

This sub is lame. None of the comebacks are ever actually clever or funny.

Not only is that a truly troubling prospect, but it’s also (probably) a lie and simply a way for a select few to embezzle money out of ICE given how little oversight the clown in chief’s cabinet is going to exercise on their own people.

We should argue against it, but as far as I’m concerned, they should get the money to do what they’ve promised to do. This is what people voted for.

Once they’ve fucked everything up, from the homebuilding industry, to the food industry, to the care industry, to the national budget, etc, etc., *make them own the mess in the next election season*!

Thats only 416,666 Boeing hand soap dispensors so its a pretty good deal

Put in a detention center waiting to get kicked out meanwhile they rent your ass out to some farmer…

People who voted for him didn’t vote for healthcare. They voted for deportation and they’d gladly pay the price.

Are we not going to talk about the 30,000 children that are missing under the current administration?

But think about how keeping immigration low will keep wages high! s

Maybe they should just outsource it to some Mexicans.

No worries, the military misplaces more than that every year, ask them.

1 billion isn’t even a drop in the bucket for what we already pay for Medicaid. I’m in favor of universal healthcare, but this is just silly.

“how you gonna pay for universal healthcare” MFS when it’s time to put kids in cages: Huell from breaking bad laying on money

Easy, cut a billion from buying some new missiles or F35s and woilla!

Klippenstein 🇮🇱

No money for healthcare, but finding for this will be found

Your government spends 78 cents of every tax dollar on war and not healthcare … Let me hear you say no more missiles, nukes, planes, ships etc (whether they’re gonna be used at home or gifted to Ukraine) and spend it on healthcare instead.

Okay now what about the 56.3 billion dollars the US has sent to Ukraine since 2022???

To actually fulfill Trump’s campaign promises of deportation, ICE would require the budget of the Pentagon. Republicans never batted an eye at the actual costs… fiscally conservative, my ass. 

Guys I’m all for universal healthcare but 1 billion is not even 1% of what we’d need

Why would ICE ask for healthcare money?

So much for DOGE

I love how MAGA say they’re going to cut costs but the first thing they do is create new departments, increase spending on defense, cut taxes, tariffs, create new laws that restrict what people can do(MAHA).

There’s a way to stop illegal immigration overnight without spending anything. $100K fine for employers for each undocumented hire. Force police departments to deport illegal aliens. No more allowing illegal immigrants into the US applying for amnesty while awaiting hearing, etc. I’m not saying we should do this at all. Just saying that IF they were going to do it, there’s better ways that using the military to go door to door. That’s how the Nazi would do it.

While the point is still valid, 1b wouldn’t change nothing to the price of health care in a country like the us

Illegal immigrants cost New York City 5 billion dollars and is expected to double by 2025 that’s one year 10 billion so yeah we can afford a billion

Why can’t we have both secure borders and healthcare? Almost no European country has naturalized citizenship yet we do. Legal Americans (of all ethnicities) are struggling and should be prioritized over non citizens when it comes to housing and healthcare. From top to bottom there needs to be change in policy and approach because this isn’t sustainable.

Why does this guy have those notes?

Meanwhile they will defund the IRS so less wealthy people get audited and their IT systems crumble

This isn’t particularly clever because it’s just Kenny playing the hits. Every single tweet he does is some form of this format.

Take 1/150th of the money being spent on them now.

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