Iconic picture of Faris Odeh throwing stones at IDF tank before being killed by IDF soldiers in November of 2000

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The sad fact is is that this Second Intifada is what turned much of Israel against the peace process. There is no question that Likud and Netanyahu did everything they could to destroy it as well, but if there is a nail in the coffin, if there is anything that kept that shit administration in charge in Israel, it was a Second Intifada and Hamas’ suicide bombings. Not to be out done, Fatah followed through with its suicide bombers. Instead of leading his people to peace, Arafat decided on war, in addition to stealing $1 billion, mostly provided by the US, some of which was eventually returned. If ever there was a definition of a moral coward in that conflict, it’s Arafat. Finally, when the king of Israel’s war pigs, Ariel Sharon, decides to withdraw from Gaza giving Palestinians their own territory and free elections for the first time, they put in Hamas. And what do they do? In some perverted interpretation of their religion they decide to wage war. The rest is history. This is a conflict with total shit leadership on both sides. Thanks to October 7 and Netanyahu will stay out of jail, the war will go on forever, an aid to the Palestinians will continue to fatten up the leaders of all Palestinian factions while the people suffer.

This subreddit’s description is definitely wrong

I feel like the iconicity of this picture relies heavily on the fact that people think the tank is driving towards the kid to attack him but really it’s just driving away while other soldiers casually walk ahead of it.

*scribbling down in notebook*
“Rock does not beat tank”

I think we all learnt a valuable lesson from this tragic event. Which is to not throw fist sized spherical objects and people with guns.

He was not killed by this tank, this photo was taken 10 days before he was killed.

Throwing stones at people can and has killed them, including Israelis. Hence their glorious prophet prescribing this punishment for adulterers and apostates.

When Chinese man are standing in front of Tanks at Tianmen square, many people cheered for his bravery against oppression. But when Palestinian child is killed for throwing stones at tanks, he’s Jeered for his stupidity. If this isn’t some dehumanization program, idk what is..

I gotta leave this sub.

World champions in losing wars they started and then crying about it

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Love how jihadists simultaneously claim that throwing stones is no big deal while they literally use stoning as a form of execution.

Can’t make this shit up lol

Can someone send me an unbiased source that backs up OPs title?

Everyone knows tank beats rock! It’s rock, paper, sissors, tank 101!!

If you give those Arabs today a state in the 67 borders. The next day they’ll shoot missiles into Israel. Guaranteed

Dude brought rocks to a howitzer fight

Idiotic. Like pointing an airsoft gun at a cop.

He wasn’t killed for throwing stones at a tank.  He was killed later when he threw stones at soldiers.  The post title is misleading.

Kid was alive and well after stoning this tank. He was killed a week or so later in a different incedent.

Keep Israel free.

What kind of tank is that? It doesn’t look like a Merkava to me.

let this be a lesson to anyone who shows kindness to gods chosen people

These comment sections really make me question if the next great Western pogroms will for once not go after Jews, but Muslims instead.

Like holy shit, the amount of subtext here that implies that Muslims are less than human here is honestly fucking scary.

Real David vs Goliath vibes

I get you want fight back, but don’t stand in front of a moving tank throwing stones. Unless you want to be another martyr.

Real David vs Goliath picture

Update: They still haven’t learned to not throw rocks at tanks

Pretty smart play by Hamas

Have a couple of underaged suicide bombers blow up. Then the odds when next time a teenager does something dumb and they get shot because of the history of suicide attacks you can claim Israel kills innocent minors “because they evil”

Ah the only history in the world. The Israel-Palastine conflict.


There’s an old saying that goes “it’s like throwing rocks at a train.”

Someone should have told the person this, and used tank instead of train. Might have saved his life.

When you send your child to throw a rock at soldiers just to take a picture of him doing it, you’re a terrible parent.

Maybe Palestine shouldn’t be a terrorist state 🤷‍♂️

I’d advise not doing that in the future if they value they own lives.

Why does this sub justify killing kids? Are y’all genuinely insane?

The Magach 5 really is just such a good looking tank

Never bring rocks to a tank fight

There are reports of Hamas making children by force or coersion to throw rocks at tanks and soldiers.

Oct 7 is to lefties as Jan 6 is to righties.

Wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Rock against tank lols

That’s terrible. I hope IDF would stop murdering children

Comments blaming the people that were ethnically cleansed, that went through the Nakba for the sake of carving a Jewish ethno-state is insane to me. And they keep throwing the word Hamas around, okay, if it was Hamas, then why is Israel still expanding settlement in the west bank, why are they kicking people out of their homes, burning down their olive tree fields?? Just say that you don’t really care because “Muslim Bad” and stop revising history to justify the oppression of the Palestinian people since 1948.

Palestinians have been totally screwed by their own masters

What did he wish to achieve?


Definitely not recommended. Stones vs Tank? Tank wins.

This isn’t the stoning described in the Quran

Is this in Gaza?

that is a cool looking tank tho

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