Identical triplet brothers, who were separated and adopted at birth, only learned of each other’s existence when 2 of the brothers met while attending the same college

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How do we know there are only 3?

The guy who sold each of them the same sweater was later located in a local mental ward.

Wow the story about them made me want to cry. Is the documentary very painful?

Imagine you’re high af at a college party and you see another you

Documentary called three identical strangers on Hulu. Really good the situation is far more than whats stated. Really effed up.

Great documentary. Three Identical Strangers, 2018.

Wow, how did they find out?

There’s a great documentary about these guys.

They were actually part of a sadistic experiment to see what happened when multiple births like twins and triplets were separated, adopted to different families. It did unbelievable psychological damage to all three of them, with one ending his own life.

They were in one of Madonna’s videos, Into The Groove.

And then they all became The Joker.

Then one of them joined SNL.

Damn, that’s interesting

Imagine the utter shock when the first 2 found each other. Then the sheer lunacy of finding a 3rd!

This documentary broke my heart

Who separates triplets???

This broke open a case where a company was experimenting about separating twins at birth and researching the nature vs nurture argument… the results have yet to be released and apparently supposed to be a big deal. One of these gentleman fell to mental health after they were united but struggled to cope.

God can you imagine you’re just cutting about in college, living your life, and suddenly your exact double is walking towards you? I’d shit myself

Wow this is a real cool story

Yeah it’s way darker than that

I can’t believe they all wore the same sweater as well! What are the chances

A lot of corruption in the adoption industry.

Heartbreaking story and F the adoption agency.

There is a documentary about them with both some amazing things and sad things. Three Identical Strangers 2018. I recommend it.

They were actually a psych experiment where they were given to three different parents with different parenting styles to see how they would turn out. One of them killed themselves

Deeply controversial opinion: I support studies that split identical twins to study nature/nurture.

Even in a tragic case like this, the fact that one twin killed himself and the others didn’t could reveal things about their experiences/brains that makes the difference, potentially giving us the ability to stop thousands of future suicides.

One of my favorite documentaries on nature vs nurture. Tragic story that reaffirms how influential love and admiration is during childhood development. Really makes the whole “for science” meme sad and dark

I’ve known a few twins and they have all shared a bond that borders on the paranormal, I can’t imagine how hard it was for them to get separated right after birth.

Such a devastating story. Those poor guys, and their families were totally fucked Iver by none other than, yep, the US government and adoption services..
They were used as fucking disgusting psychological case studies..
Humans are fckn deplorable.
One poor dude killed himself too. Shattered

The grins are terrifying.

Life is just like finding identical triplets at the grocery store you think it’s impossible until it happens, and then you’re buying three times the cereal.

I’ve always thought they look like David Berkowitz in this photo

it’s like if you combined all the guys in the strokes into one guy then made two copies of that guy

The 3 Pete Davidsons

I wonder how they found the 3rd! Did one of them stay with the bio mom? what an amazing coincidence and story

When you find the cut that works and stick with it.

How did they find the 3rd?

Someone at college admissions knew something was up.

Some heroes don’t wear caps.

This is wild

So they all worked out and ate the same?

It was a very interesting documentary!


Dark story. The truth is buried deep in the basements of Yale

Their story is tragic, and a part of a big cover up. There’s a documentary about them.

They look like the “yeet skrrt you never loved me mom” guy

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