if 19 trained officers couldnt do it…

By Drixuus
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Turns out (according to the US Supreme Court) law enforcement does NOT have any responsibility to help any individuals. Only to protect the rich and their businesses. 👎🏻

They won’t even buy school supplies for the kids, but there’s plenty of money for MOAR GUNZ!

19 cowards sat outside refusing to protect the kids*

Ah yes, the classic “let’s arm teachers” take. Because nothing says “effective strategy” like expecting a history teacher to have better tactical instincts than a SWAT team that stood around doing nothing.

Not to mention that some school shooters are students there as well so you’d be asking a teacher to be ready to shoot a student

SWAT members and our military suffer from friendly fire all the time.

Imagine someone with maybe 2 weeks training a year in that chaotic situation.

Yeah, the hilarious part is… Most of the teachers I know would shoot 14 people trying to pull the gun out of their bag… and I’m a teacher

I’m a HS teacher. The second my school allows teachers to carry firearms is the second I quit.

Actually I think Ms Todd the librarian & Miss Alice from the lunch room would do a better job

Wonder how long it will take before someone suggests arming 18yo students as some kind of cowboy hall monitor militia.

I’ve never understood the good guy with a gun argument, if a shooter walks into a mall and 2 separate people decide to be a hero and stop him, if they’re to run into each other how would they know the other is also a good guy with a gun and not the shooter? How do the police know?

Same with teachers, you have a shooter in the school and all the teachers are armed, how to they know who the shooter is or not? How do the police?

I disagree with this cause the teachers would actually value the students safety

All the while making $35k a year

The gun fetishists think the world works like an 50s western or an action movie.

If you give every teacher a gun there will be more dead students.  Go look on YouTube at all the teachers snapping in class. 

Actually they love the cruelty and I think it is that simple. Most people are bullies and will take any opportunity to be one if they know they won’t be caught. Why else would the world be the way it is?

19 cowards

>sat outside for an hour trying to come up with an attack plan

Yes, this is exactly the problem

There have been many mass shootings in the US where there were citizens with concealed weapons that did nothing. It is extremely rare that a non-police pulls their weapon to defend against shooters.

When CoD is life, and the lack of touching grass is strong with Rick.

I think it’s stupid but the teachers wouldn’t have hesitated. They actually put others above themselves.

8mm Mauser is a fucking powerful rifle cartridge

8mm? Tell me you don’t know shit about guns without telling me you don’t know shit about guns…

I’ve seen this post here before

they would’ve done a better job.

Conservatives live in a delusion-fueled haze of right-wing fever dreams. What do you expect? They left reality behind a long time ago.

I work in an elementary and I’m sorry but there’s not a single teacher there I would trust to carry a gun around children nor do any of them want to. Well, I take that last part back. There’s one who does, but she’s a Trump loving loon (who is excited to see the DoE fall) that can’t remember to turn her Christmas tree off or where she left her iPad.

Active shooter too scawy for the police officers… make the teachers do it instead 🥺👉👈

I ask the people that like to throw this idea out: What kind of training do you think school faculty would need to be able to disarm and subdue an armed person (potentially a student) with deadly force?

Do you know what response I get back? “Well no one said they actually had to shoot them.”

Difficult one here… do I think guns belong in schools? Absolutely not. So I think the police are the best trained individuals? No.

The only benefit of one or two teachers having weapons in a school? It’s their life or the attacker. They are in it already, the cops aren’t. Self preservation overcomes that training any day. Is that shitty? Absolutely!

Just keep in mind what do u do when a teacher snaps and kills a student bc they are in fear of their life.

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