If he won, then it isn’t rigged

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Itโ€™s strange that, when he was in power, the dems managed to steal the election but when they were in charge, they couldnโ€™t. Itโ€™s almost as if itโ€™s a complete load of bollocks.

And hereโ€™s where the โ€œriggedโ€ lie becomes self-evident. They were prepared to challenge results all across the country because they claimed the system was untrustworthy. But Trumpโ€™s victory somehow made it honest because it was too big to rig.

Well, the election didnโ€™t change size. It was just as big as before the votes were counted. Not confirming the results as planned, shows it was just another con.

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He even admitted it was rigged. That’s why Elon had to go full nazi. We all know it

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Even though Elon and X said it was rigged. Oh, Trump said it, too. The house flips, you better believe that gets brought up.

If we still have a legislative branch….

Hasn’t he all but admitted that musk tampered with voting machines in swing states?

Remember when he was saying Pennsylvaniaโ€™s vote was rigged before it was called to him? Fucking idiot.

Remember that every time he says “too big to rig”, the idea is to get you to believe that was actually true. It wasn’t. Trump’s 2025 margin of victory was *incredibly tiny*. As in, something like the fifth smallest since 1900.

“Too big to rig” is a lie, every time he says it. Everyone who repeats it is complicit in that lie.

I canโ€™t believe we forgot to steal the election this time.

To him rigged and bought are different. It was rigged when the people voted him out. But when his nazi attack doge buys it it’s different

Ok, fine. Youโ€™re President and in 3 years and 340โ€™ish days you wonโ€™t be

When ever was his โ€œthemeโ€ too big to rig??

That Apprentice movie basically summed up his entire mentality. He will never admit defeat, ever.

And all of the republican down ballot wins were totally legitimate even though the votes for president on the same ballots were fraud

If Dems were gonna rig an election they would have in 2016 to guarantee Trump never saw the Oval Office. Trump and his supporters are the dumbest people on the planet.

So elections were rigged when he was in office, but not rigged when Biden was in office. He just said he sucked at being president.

Should be noted the one he claimed was rigged was during his presidency. The ones he says were not rigged occured under Biden and Obama. Why? Because as the person said, it’s only rigged if he loses. And that’s been a running theme his entire career. He said things like that multiple times. He loses in court, it was rigged against him. If he won, it was totally fair, amazing judge. If it was an award of some kind, same game, win = fair, lose = rigged.

Ummm Leon admitted it was rigged. Not by the votes but with propaganda

Let’s not all forget that during his acceptance speech, he actually said that Elon fixed the votes, he’s very good at those computers.

I want off the ride

The narc always thinks they can never lose..

So big he won by 1%

If the many things that future generations will damn us for, near the top has to be the lack of proof demanded for all of Trump’s bat shit crazy statements.

“So, he claimed to have proof that millions upon millions of fraudulent votes were cast, people believed him, and he never produced a shred of evidence to support that claim”?

Unserious buffoon. Heโ€™s far more Nixon than Hitler. No real plan or morals just a greedy opportunist.

If every voter had been forced to watch the J6 hearings, Trump would not be president. If you want to watch a Trump supporterโ€™s entire worldview collapse in real time, just ask them what Trump was doing for three hours while his supporters attacked the capital. Then ask them who was in the room with Trump as it was all going down, and what were those people saying to Trump.

He already said it was being rigged before the election. Then he won and magically it was fair?

Nah, there was some seedy shit going on this time.

The only use Drumpf has for Vance is he will never certify a Democratic win in 2028

This mentality (If I lost, the election was rigged. If I won, it wasn’t rigged), specifically the kind of thought process behind it, should disqualify anyone from high office.

The sheer dishonesty.

The immorality of it.

The insidious way it undermines our trust in the democratic system.

In a moral universe, Trump wouldn’t be fit to run a hotdog stand.

“Too big to rig?”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t LESS people vote, this time around?

I’ve been saying this since 2020. His stance was, “I know it was rigged because I rigged it and still lost which means they rigged it and that’s illegal. Arrest them!”

All about the narrative.

There actually is evidence of voter fraud this time around but okay orange man

So it’s only rigged when he’s in power?

Thank goodness Joe Biden fixed the rigged election system while he was president so Trump could win, right MAGA? Time to thank Biden for doing something really great!

100% it was rigged.

It was too big to be rigged, because he had the richest dufus in the world rigging the election for him.

100% he’s projecting again. He’s the one that rigged the elections, with the help of Mr Musk.

So I guess we’re just not looking into those comments he made about Musk and the voting machines?

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