If it walks like a duck…

By remmij
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When they write about this in 500 years I’d love it to be known that we saw this coming.

Me as an American rn


It’s really the least surprising thing that the people who were screaming “But Kamala will start WWIII!” are now screaming “Yeah! Let’s invade other countries!”

This isn’t inconsistent- they like to be Nazis just not to be called Nazis.

But but…eggs….Hunter Biden….

I hate this timeline. Atleast I’m in one of the only safe places on earth

Whatever you do, just don’t kneel at a football game. How thats how you make enemies.

I pledge this to the allied countries we have left when Trump wants to send the military, everywhere: There are many of us who will help you fight back.


An American who’s not completely fucking stupid.

Oh come on. People had no idea. It’s not like there were swastikas at trump rallies
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Wait until they start building the showers and ovens – you know it’s coming

Technically not all Republicans are Nazis… but technically all Republicans are fascists.

*if it walks like a Nazi duck…

It’s that line from Blues Brothers:
“I hate Illinois Nazis…”

If Trump even tries this, Americans will be tearing this country down sooner than anyone else can

The world needs to remind Presidents Musk and Trump that while they might purport to own and control the USA and its people, they don’t own or control the world.

98% of the world’s surface is not the USA. 94% of the world’s land surface is not USA. 95% of people don’t live in the USA.

“Trump is anti war”

“let’s start wars with nato allies!”

Why you gotta leave Panama out of this? Oddly I instantly got a phone call from a Panama number and voicemail telling me to STFU.

Yeah, nothing Elon Musk wants to do is like Nazism, right?


I preferred when Americans were generally ignorant about Canada and we got no attention at all. This is shitty. We became vulnerable because we succumbed to a growing thirst for the US to capitalize off our resources. We failed to diversify our trading partners in exchange for strengthened continental economy and shared security. I have worked with the US military throughout my career and have exchanged bilaterally on many occasions. I’d even consider some of these folks my brothers. But… I can’t fathom this as a reality. Neither can they. Now because this ignorant felon loud talking fool has been somehow put back in charge of the world’s strongest economy and democracy, we have to carefully consider our future. The way he just casually threatens our freedom only for his own hubris….

I’m disappointed and I’m ashamed to be living in this timeline. We’ve learned nothing since 1812 apparently.

Wait until they figure out that foreigners live there and we’d have to take care of their elderly and disabled residents…..then they’ll change their minds.

Go back to your bibles and feel good about yourselves and all the people you killed in your greed, white heaven is calling you and we know you’re in

I think you mean if it goose steps.

I’m tired. I’m so so tired

Hey all you shitheels who were crying about Gaza and refused to vote.

Go fucking fuck yourselves.

uhm sorry but unless you literally kill 6 million Jews you can’t be a nazi, how dare you imply they are nazis >:( /s

Maybe we should go ahead and take Poland before Russia does.

Well hold on now, this might be more akin to the British Empire. You know, the one the sun never sets on. But then it did. Everywhere. And created the most celebrated historical figures of recent times of the very people who opposed the British, including the founding fathers of the U.S. That one. It was cool, had some cool adventure novels from that time.

The plans to activate Project 2025 is already underway and Trump will start implementing it to the country before he officially becomes president.

Project 2025 for those who do not know, is a plan to target minority groups. It first intends to get rid of the 13th and 19th amendment. Thats step 1. Step 2 is to enforce slavery upon black people. Once that is successful they will move onto taking women out from their homes and force them into incubation farms where they become baby making machines out of their own will (look it up). Once that is completed, they will start going after the LGBT group and start putting them into concentration camps.

Its also important to note that Trump recently at a town hall meeting said that once he becomes president he’ll ban “black people food” from the country. Think fried chicken, watermelon and things like kool-aide. He wants to ban all of that so the blacks can’t eat it. This also means he will go after chicken and watermelon farmers effectively making them lose their job.

This is what a fascist dictatorship looks like.

i think he‘s setting up extortion. the backroom dealing will be like, “pay us and we won’t invade.” i mean, he had time to realize how much money he left on the table by not extorting literally every country possible last time….

He forgot panama

Trump is literally Hitler, like literally, completely literal in every sense of the word. Trump is Hitler. That’s him. You guys heard of Hitler and his Nazis ? That’s Trump. Hey guys Trump is Hitler, and his supporters, all fucking Nazis.

Oh man, let’s try to reach across the aisle next time, I’m sure the mythical “moderate conservative” will finally vote blue.

That reminds me of some guy with a weird mustache… He had very similar plans .

At least they got to get their yelling out before starting 4 years of yelling.

Which one do you predict will be first? Or will it be all three at once?

Maga literally: This country is fucked, we have to make it better.

More maga: We should conquer more places, that’ll make it better here..

“But it’s very different from the nazis since Trump doesn’t plan to take Czechoslovakia”

the magats I know just tell me to avoid MSM and everything will be OK

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