If only he knew how to read

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What illegal protest? Protesting is a 1st amendment right.

This is like that EO kicking illegal immigrants off of Social Security.

All his redcap chowderheads will stress ” he SaiD iLleGaL pRoTeSts” conveniently forgetting he’s tried to establish that only he gets to speak on what’s legal.

“Trump Claims He Can Overrule Constitution With Executive Order Because Of Little-Known ‘No One Will Stop Me’ Loophole”

— The Onion, 2018

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PSA: they don’t care about the constitution

For those who haven’t gotten the memo yet. Your precious constitution is worthless. It will never be important again, it’s been trampled on and spit on. Good luck overthere.

Do the US people know, that THIS is the situation in mind when the right to bear arms was written?

The democratic right to protest was also quashed by *checks notes* THE FUCKING NAZIS

Meanwhile the r/Conservative seals are clapping and barking in approval totally missing the hypocrisy of their J6 ‘protest’ support and support of the pardons for those ‘protestors’.

Didn’t Vance just last week comment on the ‘UK sent to prison a man for sharing a meme, freedom of speech doesn’t exist in the UK’

The person in question was inciting a riot with hate speech.

Now this from your president? Oh how the turns table.

If only the Constitution had pictures.

Now I wanted to know the opinion of people who said that Kamala was as bad as Trump

What is the no mask thing about?

I saw lots of masks and “neck gaiters” on J6

What’s magas excuse for this one? Or did they just stop giving a shit?

When did he say that?

Those “were” protected by the Constitution, but it’s kinda worthless now.

Trump can ignore the courts, Congress isn’t going to do shit and he will ignore them too.

He’s learned that there is nothing that can stop him

Bro’s a dictator.

He doesn’t give a f**k. We’re only a slight margin off seeing political opponents and journalists falling out of windows like Russia.

Hard to read a document covered in your own shit. 

Charlottesville and Jan 6 “very reasonable people”

BLM and pro-palestine? “ILleGaL!”

Don the Felon does NOT read!

He can’t read

He doesn’t know how anything works .. how the fuck is he going to expel students?

I strongly am of the position that reading is not a problem for our dear magat friends, it’s comprehending what they read that’s the difficulty. Like when they’re in church, they need someone to interpret the bible for them. they aren’t smart enough to read the words and understand for themselves

Jokes on you, Trump can’t read.

You are assuming he will respect the constitution

He may for a while – but this is an indication of how he thinks

The constitution is not something he considers to be important if it gets in his way

Illegal protest = people saying things I don’t like

All federal funding will stop? Fine no more tax money for you…FAFO.

Or cared about the rule of law or the constitution

If they didn’t know what the constitution protected, they wouldn’t be working so hard to dismantle it.

He doesn’t have the ability to comprehend what he reads. He is stupid except when it comes to bankruptcy

Ever wish you could hide a radio in someone’s house/car/office that just screams “fuck you” on repeat?

Next you’re going to define what an illegal protest is… right?

A bunch of these research universities are gonna close up shop without their grant indirect costs

Wow. It actually said that.

Ur constitution doesn’t agree with trump’s views, it’s a fake constitution from the radical left… eye roll


READ??!! I think you mean a picture book…

The constitution only applies when it aligns with a given person’s beliefs or personal interest. It’s treated a iron glad until it becomes the least bit inconvenient, then it’s out the window. Dismiss the constitution to eliminate protests against you? Done, no problem. Tweak the constitution to create stronger gun laws? How dare you defy our sacred text!

I thought USA was all about ‘freedom speech’

A man without a suit and a suit without a man.

Is he gonna call upon the National Guard to shoot and kill , like the Vietnam War protestors at the Kent State University? Pretty sure Nixon and his cronies at that time would find them “illegal.”

He is the same person who wants to appoint back the person who tweeted “normalise indian hate” from official twitter handle because children make mistake and congress men shouldn’t try to over a person’s career….


A quick tip Donald you make your eagle a little less Ill by giving them some tablets. However we are currently running low on tablets because the parrots et ’em all.

He couldn’t care less what the Constitution says.

Remember when these fucking idiots cried that their freedom of speech was being removed?

So now Captain ‘Law & Order’ wants to ban masks at protests—because nothing says freedom like the government telling you what you can wear.

First Amendment? Never heard of her.
State rights? Only matter when convenient.
Security concerns? Trump’s just mad Antifa looks cooler than his Proud Boy militia.

Imagine suing for First Amendment violations over Twitter bans, then turning around and banning face coverings at protests. What’s next, mandatory MAGA hats or face fines?

I swear, this guy sees Putin and Kim Jong-un banning things and gets jealous.

Does he think the president has the authority to expel students from college?? Like any college in the country’s enrollment, public *and* private is at his whim…somehow?

Tiananmen square 2.0 coming soon to a city near you.

Class action lawsuit for menacing, anyone?

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