If only there was a reason

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I mean, he was already in there for like 4 terms, since he was in the Oval Office during 9/11. Obviously.

Yeah? Well I bet a million dollars that Trump’s too much of a scaredy cat to run for president next election!

It’s a pity we don’t have some sort of … legally binding and codified canon to guide us in these situations.

What happens when Trump doesn’t run for a third term? Will it be because Trump is scared of his opponent?

Orange is the new black…


I wonder if these Trumptards realise that a President in the US can only serve 2 terms. Which means this is the last term Trump can serve and their’s not a damn thing the Republicans can do about it.

The fact that many of them probably don’t know what term limits are IS going to bite us in the ass.

Donald won’t run again either. He just has to suspend future elections for “security reasons.” I’m sure mobilizing the military to round up political “security threats” counts as one of those presumed-to-be-immune official acts.

When the Korean president just tried to declare martial law, their version of the Congress saved their Democracy but we don’t have anything like that here.

Not a lot of books in your arcane tower, are there?

Saying that a candidate can „destroy“ other candidates just sounds like it is a brutal beatdown

Maybe next time if Trump gets his wish.

It’s amazing how many people are unfamiliar with our 2 term limit for president. I spoke to a friend recently who didn’t know this and I was shocked, so it’s no surprise now when I see this kind of thing.

This fucking idiot probably voted.

They won’t question Trump running for a third term. They won’t question it if he decides to just keep being President.

I very much doubt that person is being serious.

One time I woke up from a dream and the term “Obamna” was the only thing I could remember. I know it isn’t relevant to this post but I felt like I needed to tell someone.

Wait till he finds out that Trump can’t run in 28.

I think his brain is already past its term limit…

Obama served TWO FULL TERMS!

He used up his eligability!

Last president to be eligable for a third term was Harry Truman!


Enough to realize that there is some reality beyond your own limited mind!

$10 this guy has a Gadsden flag somewhere on his vehicle.

I wonder if the person writing the elevator comment realizes the irony of what they’re saying in reply to obvious troll being obvious

probably not

The average Trump supporter

Why are we posting comments about 5 years old tweets ?

Lol these are the people that friggin won… and now we all lose (unless you’re rich of course). Backward ass country. Good job america.

There are thousands of people like the above dope who think Obama had something to do with 9/11. That was a thing that was circulating in that dumb crowd a few years back. I blame social media for everything.

Honestly, people who know this little about government shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

They probably didn’t understand the insult in that reply.

Pudding brain fan fiction


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