If she is fat then I am morbidly obese I guess

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it’s super wild that almost no one realizes that this picture is just ai generated fan art by some schmuck and not an official screenshot/artwork.

Apparently, draugr is the new slim
comment image?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324673fe59bdfd4ce37b142eaa1b56720ff89f13

Honestly, maybe they need to go back to watching normal porn instead of hentai of 10 year olds. Just so they understand how the human body looks again.

That awkward moment when you have to remind someone what a woman looks like 

If she is fat then i am Gorlok the Destroyer

What do U reckon the dude posting this looks like 😭

Honestly, is the objectification really necessary. Looks like just a normal body shape of a normal person?!

Ragebait, taking any random opinion on twitter seriously and responding is like getting mad at a stray dog for barking. Not worth the time or effort

I like how this tweet is also pinned on his page, because the rest of his profile is full of alt-right rambling that really nobody gives a toss about.

It’s probably just rage/engagement bait lol

9.9/10 of these clowns would, If she were real

Her shoulders and arms look weird but I’m pretty sure this is AI made and not real anyways

the thing is it’s not even official. it’s AI

@botintheShell posting this …


back in the 90s and early 2000.. 

Bridget jones diary is about a fat girl.

let that sink in 

At this point, it *must* be ragebait. There’s no way anyone is this delusional about what healthy women look like.

What in the Uncanny Valley? Something about this makes me uncomfortable. I think it might be the shape of the shoulder or underside of the arm.

But she’s clearly not fat. She’s just not right.

> visible rib cage, smooth stomach, no rolls
> fat

She’s a knockout, and the internet is assholes.

I sometimes forget that some people are so terminally online that they have unrealistic body standards

I’m glad to see these chuds being mocked in mainstream subreddits. They need to see their obsession with “ugly women” in videogames is nothing more than sick paranoia.

Bro never seen a woman in their life

Mom come pick me up. The incels are projecting their insecurities again

I have Absolutely zero clue how any sane person could see that as fat. Like…do you have eyes?

It’s always the virgins who say this kind of shit.

There has been a shift from the desired “thicc” body type to the “heroin chic” for the past few years. So basically any semblance of flesh on a woman’s body is viewed as “chubby”. These people are so skewed in how they perceive women but it is compounded by the ongoing shift in trends as well

In what universe is this considered fat ? Please !

Let’s see a pic of that person who commented that

I need 2B from Nier

Why she look like Beyonce

Guys it was just a typo. Homie clearly meant PHAT

My cope is that it’s rage bait. Same kinda people that comment “it’s a man” on every single fitness influencer or athlete

Guaranteed that guy who says she’s fat is 5 foot nothing and pushing maximum density himself

Yeah this ain’t a real render. Her proportions are kinda wack.

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