If You Brighten The Poster of The Studio Ghibli Film ‘Grave Of The Fireflies’, you will notice that not all the lights are fireflies…

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Plane was always visible in the original poster.

This was such a horror movie for me. It attacks the soul. I loved it. And no, I will never rewatch it.

If you brighten the poster, it gets really dark.

One of the best films that I will absolutely never watch again right here. I’ve only got so many tears to cry lol

Or if you use the correct poster image to begin with…

Thanks for reminding me this exists, I’m off to hide in the corner and cry for a bit.

Only if you darken the original to the point of not seeing it for some reason

I know all country have their own fault, but an innocent children is not supposed to live in fear wondering if the plane they saw will drop a bomb.

The theatrical release of this movie was followed by My Neighbor Totoro, they’re meant to be seen together in that order. One to show the horrors of war, the other to show the peacetime that inevitably follows.

This was a mandatory text on my university course. Watching this at a 9am on a Tuesday morning without any context was a brutal experience. So many tears.

Worth a watch? I’m seeing a lot of positive comments about the movie I here.

I don’t like that they show how it ends in the very beginning.

Sad deption of what might still happen, with all the drama around the world right now

I remember I told my bf i was going to show him the sadest movie ever and I even warned him it will for sure make him cry and he didn’t believe me. After we finished this movie he told me he hated me for showing it to him while he was wiping his tears lol

I should invite my friends for a movie marathon & only show “come & see”, this movie & “all quiet on the Western front” (gotta think which version). Anyone else who knows movies that fucks you up?

That movie cuts deep.

i go quite everytime i see this poster or even when someone simply mentions it..its been 8years..EVERY SINGLE FCKIN TIME

This movie just came on the Funimation channel when I was a kid so I assumed it was some of the same early 2000’s anime at the time. It didn’t help that my little brother had just been born and I cried thinking about what I would do if it was us in that situation

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As someone who studies history, I thought I was mentally ready to watch this film.

I was not.

this is a movie that you see once and never again.

I couldn’t even make it through the first viewing. The face of the little girl was too much like my youngest son.

Yep. A movie made by a brilliant filmaker about the horrors of war and how they tangibly effect the most innocent among us. It is a very very well crafted crowbar to the knees, emotionally speaking.

One of the best war movies of all time

Took me a long time recover emotionally from this movie. Even looking at this picture make me really sad.


Am I the only one who thought they should have sucked it up and stayed with the aunt long as they could.

Grave of fireflies is a such a master piece that. U watch it once, with no guts to watch it ever again. And yet you remember every moment of the movie.
Coz, as the movie ended it changed you ase a human. When they say art is supposed to be traumatic. This is a pure example of how art can change human behaviour.

I guess this is burning white phosphorus

The smaller less rounded ones are bombs.

This crushed me as the oldest sibling.

Scarred for life – great movie, but oh Lord… The onion cutting was tremendous

Got to love anything that makes you burst into sadness tears by hearing the joy of a little girl.

You made it darker so you could make it lighter to pretend it was secret

ugh not this shit again 🙄

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