If you like piña coladas

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roar by katy perry

once upon a time i had to listen to it every. single. goddamn. night… FOR A YEAR.

not even day


What’s New Pussycat by Tom Jones. The grocery store I worked at had a built in sound system with announcements, but they only paid for the rights to ONE song. OVER and OVER again. When a new announcement was made, the song would reset to the beginning. For two years. It took customers complaining that long to change it.

All about that Bass by Meghan Trainor. Remember when artists had to write entire songs? She wrote one fucking verse and half a hook.


Fight Song by Rachel Platten. Utterly fails at being motivating. I feel more inspired listening to 5 O’Clock World.

Hey Soul Sister makes me homicidal. Vapid cringe lyrics over twee ukulele

Shape of you ed Sheeran and Dance monkey

Thunder by Imagine Dragons is the most uninspired piece of shit I’ve ever heard.

I’ve never felt more validated to be a guy who’s been hating on hotline bling since 2016

shape of you

Black eyed peas – I got a feeling

We Are Young by fun.

My kid was a baby and every time that song came on, she’d instantly start crying. I started associating that song with baby wailing, so it’s like driving a nail into my ear when it comes on.

I go from IF YOU LIKE PIÑA COLADAS to MAIIIIIIII SHARONA, then sprinkle in some Copacabana and that’s my circus of a brain at any given moment.

yOu NoT eVeN tHe FaRt

Dance Monkey

Lips of an Angel. Yes, sing a whole fucking song about lusting after some other woman. My ex loved this song. Found out he was cheating. Go figure.

I’ll be a basic b: Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You”.

Do ya think I’m sexy – Rod Stewart. Boils my blood for some reason

The climb. It was on every damn station for a whole year! I never hated a song more than this.

Rude by Majik or whatever that idiots name is.

MMMBop by Hanson. I worked at a furniture warehouse that played music. I worked the night shift and every night at 1 am and the whole system would shut down for 30 mins to update and then that song would play. Often you were moving something large on the top shelves when that happened. God I hate that song.

Fight song by someone idc enough to find out. It’s such a 2010s young people empowerment song with absolutely no substance to the lyrics. It’s basic cheap pop music I can’t stand.

Closer by The Chainsmokers.

With the obnoxious chorus: 🎵 “We are never getting older…” 🎵

Wrong, you pole-smokers. You are definitely getting older.

Started from the bottom. No motherfucker you didnt

Tonight by Black Eyed Peas

Work by Rihanna. Honeslty, you must have totally abandoned your sanity if you think that ear poison is good.

“happy” by dipshit pharrell. A room without a roof is an unfinished room and you will get rained on. Yes, I understand it’s supposed to be an analogy, but it’s a dumb analogy and the lyrics are lazy. Fuck you and your whole bloodline if you like that song.


ABCDEFU is just so millennial 😭 I hate it

There is a song called “Snake on the beach” that’s just the same 2 beats repeating over and over again, with no variation. It’s repetitive and boring, yet it is somehow an earworm I’ll spend the next 3 days wishing I was deaf until I forget the song exists again.

Wrecking Ball

What’s interesting is the song is about a couple whose relationship was on the rocks and the chorus is actually a personal ad. The ad was written by the woman, intending to cheat on the man, and the man was answering the ad, intending to cheat on the woman.

So did they really cheat on each other? Yes, yes they did. Just with each other somehow?

Your Body is a Wonderland by John Mayer

Happy – Pharrel williams

Was overplayed on the radio and had to listen to it what felt like 20+ times a day working retail, now i just get irrationally irritated whenever i hear it.

Kings of Leon, sex is on fire

It’s like if Nickelback was worse than people said.

All Summer Long by Kid Rock.

Everytime this song came on the radio for years I got pumped up thinking it was Werewolves of London.

Boo Kid Rock boo

honestly, that fein bullshit by travis scott

i dont really have a problem with too many of his songs, but that shit just drives me insane he just says one word 100 times with so much autotune you almost cant tell its even him doing the vocals

“Happy” by Pharrell Williams

Such an incredibly repetitive and unimaginative song, and when it released it was extremely overplayed.

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