If you use mp3s then you’re a real one

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I use free youtube music videos to listen to music

Me who uses regular YouTube videos


I use FLAC

I downloaded all my songs and used VLC for Android to listen to them

MP3s & VLC player


Dang I feel seen

Me who uses Pandora


Meanwhile I am still using this ๐Ÿ’ช

YouTube has recap

Last fm


I’m slowly switching to DAPs and .wav files.

House divided, amirite

I just don’t care

Apple Music for me,unfortunately.

My dad has an Apple Music family accoutn

I looked up the song in normal YouTube and use it like that. No premium so the screen is always on and every 5 or so songs u have to click yes when It asks if your still watching if it’s a playlist

A 3rd party YouTube player to download music and put them on memory cards

Hahaha, plexamp, suckers

I use FLACs on my own hardware. No internet connection? No problem!

Does anyone use Pandora anymore, or has it gone the way of MySpace?

I get bullied


It was always buffering for me and a lot of music isnโ€™t uploaded to YouTube music so Iโ€™d have to use YouTube anyways.
Switching to Spotify was the greatest decision I gave to my ears

I use the youtube app directly, honestly not the worst decision.

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