Ifa is a 4 star

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Lol, not surprised. That leak at the beginning of Natlan about mihoyo lowering the amount of male 5* characters proves to be true.

Just fell to my knees in TESCO

I would bet he’s also an onfielder just because no one wants it and hoyo is determined to give everything we don’t want character wise these past few versions

o7 husbando lovers

How many new natlan characters can we expect to come out after mavuika and citlali till sneznaya arrives ?

eh, not surprised, he gave that “Natlan Kaveh” vibe

Are the male 5*s in the room with us right now?

So there is no 5 star Natlan tall male. Even if Capitano is playable in Natlan he’s a harbinger and not from Natlan so he doesn’t count. The waifu pandering got so bad they can’t even do the bare minimum 

men lovers in shambles rn

Remember how Natlan livestream had Hoyo proudly saying they collected tons of feedback in person directly from fans and how that got them a different, more positive vibes than online feedback? Really makes you wonder what they learned since their lesson seemed to have been fuck cryo and reduce 5 star males in the game.

So are we gonna get only one 5* husbando next year too? Getting a bit annoyed by this honestly

Capitano playability in 5.x in question and now Ifa 4 star, its truly waifu impact

This is getting ridiculous.

Oh yeah, and let me guess that the other leaked female character is a 5 star 🫥 There are about to be 5 total 5 star females, and so far Kinich is our only 5 star male.

Who is making all these decisions at hoyo, man. It’s giving “I used to own 55 waifu anime body pillows ( and still secretly have some today too)”

Genshin making lesser 5-star husbandos

HSR making husbandos with repeated elements and paths

ZZZ already nerfing a husbando to the ground before release.

Wuwa releasing straight up waifu simulator

Reverse 1999 with no more 6 star males, even if there is, it’s Beast element.

Fk 2024 and CN incels. Imma go back to Stardew.

Somehow I’m both surprised and not surprised at the same time.

Guess I’m never renewing my BP and Welkin until the end of Natlan (or ever, tbh).

Returning to HI3 roots is real. Up next: Retconning upcoming male characters to be dead/enemy npcs/straight up unplayable /j

I swear, if on top of that he turns out to be another mediocore 4* main dps… I will strongly consider uninstalling.

I can’t believe this, this is the first time both tall males are four stars. I’m actually shocked really, I don’t want to doompost but what the hell?

Since he’s a vet, likely to be a healer, c’mon Kuki Shinobu upgrade. lol

wow another male 4* this is so amazing guys! anyways lets add 1 million more 5* woman to the game

can he at least be a good support at c0 then. please.

I’m so sad, I hope this isn’t true

Da Wei is going to drive so many people away from this game for absolutely no reason but sure.

Natlan leaks never fail to disappoint

Honestly not surprised

Haha only one 5✨ male character in natlan

Good job hoyo, you fucking suck rn

As expected, but I’m still pissed

I’m disappointed, but not surprised. See you guys when Snezhnaya comes out

incredible move hoyoverse. Thank you for this. There were too many 5* male units released back to back this year, so this should let us take a break

natlan is just an endless string of disappointments

Can they *at least* make him a Pyro sword or catalyst user? I’m sick to death of Pyro Polearms and Pyro Claymores and Pyro Bows have already covered their possible playstyles.

I’m going to be a fortune teller today. There will be no guys in Snezhnaya, only girls and loli.

Surprising a total amount of zero people

This sucks.

The 5 star males will be in Shneznaya, right? *Right?*

im fucking tired of this shit

This is sad and boring. Natlan just has one male character that to Kinich who did absolutely nothing on screen because they gave him whopping 2 minutes every quest. Even waifu only pullers would dislike this.

another 4 star male while all the girls are fkn 5 stars. what is this shit.

i was expecting this yet i’m still sad

Its ifover. 1 5 star male in the whole region im sick

The death of male characters. Won’t be surprised if we never get a 5 star again

Between that and the possible lack of Capitano, I strongly consider leaving Genshin, male characters just constantly get shafted

“No you guys, no need to doompost, yes, all the leaked characters are female and there will be ONE tiny male 5* but that’s just the initial batch, SURELY there will be more male characters later one, TRUST BRO!”

Ah yah…

Ain’t like they don’t already have a waifu game, let’s make the other games that, too.

“Males don’t sell!” Yah hell they don’t if we have a year to save up, ffs!

So irritating that they rather make their game more like every other gacha game and compete on that over-saturated market than have a wider audience and a more unique place with less competition. Cowards.

Another 4 star male character that will be useless and forgotten. Appreciate the hustle Hoyo.

Between the lack of 5* tall men and the weird fanservice stuff going on with Citllai in the event, I see what kind of audience Hoyo is trying to pander to. Honestly this is so frustrating. Ugh, whoever is making these dumb decisions at Hoyo needs to quit

There is a reason why I managed to reach more than 100k primogems in Natlan and the reason is I don’t like the character roaster. Too few males and cool characters for my taste.

We reached the pinnacle with character design with Fontaine. Everything that came after was disappointing by the very least.

Fuk em. If they don’t release at least one male 5 star till the end of the region, I’m gonna rage quit. Then maybe come back later, but they won’t get my money that’s for sure

Well Hoyo not wanting me as a customer, sure then. Have been whaling from the start of this game, and I like a lot of the women design but Natlan design being a missed to me and I still love the men more but with only 1 5* male, and they treat both of the male heroes like ass ( 1 barely relevant, 1 being the only 4*). Well have fun everyone, but guess I’m dropping them if this is how they treat husbando wanter. Sorry for the rant

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