Ignorance is rampant amongst the GOP

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It’s shocking how many ways they can outright say “We’re fascists” and people still won’t listen

Tariffs do work, technically speaking. They just may not do the thing he’s saying they will.

– Covid-19 will go away ‘like a miracle’

– Covid-19 affects ‘virtually nobody’

Never wrong Donald Trump

The audacity of asking people to think about it. If you think about it, it’s bullshit – and they know. But they know their base willfully refuses to think about things so no threat there. Pathetic man.

I’d argue Trump is never really right.

Every business trump has tried went under.
Casinos, hotels, airline, water company, university.
He’s not a successful business man plus he’s wrong all the time.

Oh, so Haitians were eating pets? He was named Man of the Year? He has had a healthcare plan all these years? I could go on until the sun explodes and never repeat myself.

It’s not ignorance, they are just towing the party line.

Politicians being politicians, that’s all.

“It’s what plants crave.”

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Hmm seems Familiar

Reality disagrees with how Trump is never wrong. He’s been wrong a lot. But he’s a sociopathic narcissist and he’s been quoted to say he never accepts that he’s wrong and that his tactic always is to blame someone else.

Trump is always right, even if he’s not right, he’s right. What can possibly go wrong?

And if something goes wrong, just let the future president deal with it and take the blame for it.

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Y’all should see the rest of that quote

“If trump tells us to jump, we jump”

He literally said that

Trump’s like a walking reality TV show full of drama, zero plot, and somehow still getting ratings.

Yeah how can the guy with multiple failed businesses be wrong?

Ignorance, hate, and mysogyny are the core tenets of Modern Republicanism, so completely predictable

is there a chance for a second impeachment?

Is it still ignorance if they just really dont care

If Trump were to plop over dead, would they all go back to being neoliberal. And if they did, how long would I take.

There is a simple truth about any kind of taxes: if you’re not 1%ter rich, you’re gonna pay them.

His constituents must love him doing whatever Trump wants

i cannot imagine ever believing or loving a person so much that’d i’d so plainly state that they’re “right all the time”

Ah, another fine example of the stupidity of Texans.

Wait, he’s never wrong? What about the massive list of complete failure of businesses? Sure seems like he is very wrong a LOT.

These clowns genuinely don’t know the difference between winning and being right.

So Autocracy

Rule number 1: The leader is always right.

Rule number 2: In the very unlikely event that the leader is wrong, refer to rule number 1.

There really are two types of people in the world, and Plato divided them with Euthyphro’s Dilemma 2500 years ago:

***Is the holy holy because the gods love it, or do the gods love it because it is holy?***

This really is the litmus test for whether or not someone is fully human. A fully developed, rational human answers that dilemma by saying that the gods love it because it is holy. An under-developed, irrational, tribal subhuman who exhibits primate (coalitional) psychology answers that question by saying that the holy is holy because the gods love it.

So they said all this shit for so long, even they themselves believe it, while they can see first hand, how untrue they are.

How many of Mr Trump’s tariffs did President Biden do away with?

Well, if power is your only concern, and you will most likely lose it if you oppose the oligarchy, you suck up to the oligarchy.

Zombies walk among us!

They Live!

The only problem is Trump doesn’t know what they are and how they work…Trump thought the tariffs he imposed on China when he was President resulted in China paying hundreds of millions of dollars directly into the US treasury.
That’s not how tariffs work…😕

I bet he also says Donald’s butthole tastes like Snozzberries

I am putting my money on April for the White House Fire and resulting enabling laws…

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I mean, can the guy do anything that is not fashy?

Wow, it’s fantasy days already?! When was the clown ever right ? would be an easier list to produce.

So, if Trump killed your kids, Trump has his reasons, he is always right! ALWAYS RIGHT!

So he intentionally bankrupted companies, Troy, does that mean he committed massive fraud?

Can we just go ahead and add ‘Trump is never wrong’ to the GOP pledge at this point? The classic ‘if Dear Leader says it’s true, it must be true’ strategy. Truly innovative governance. If Trump says 2 + 2 = 5, I guess the calculator must be wrong too. Fascinating logic here.

I’ve got a weather map with a Sharpie line on it that confirms he’s never wrong. /s

Ultra scary. People that know economics are shittingvthemselves. World recession coming right up. Goodbye growing economy.

(R) Texas.

Not many cows on that ranch

“He’s never wrong “ dude!! That means we can nuke hurricanes, wow,

and that the sound from windmills gives you cancer, so it’s true then..

So Mexico payed for the wall, isn’t great!

Now we know how to cure Covid, since He’s never wrong, think about it.


I wonder if he drank bleach during Covid

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