I’ll start; send her that pic.

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When cleaning your bathroom and kitchen, make sure to mix chemicals to make them even more effective on those hard to remove stains.

99% of gamblers quit right before the big win

Comment and respond to everything you see on reddit with your own opinion

You can make toast in the bath

Text while driving

Everything others say to you is a personal attack and you should treat them with hostility going forward.

If you see a woman crying in public, you should go up to her and ask if it’s because of her weight.

She will find it comforting and reassuring that you understand how she feels.

Keep hands in your pockets when walking stairs

Women walking alone at night love to play tag!

I came across a Bad Advice booth at a festival once. I have the perfect one.

I told them “I’m struggling with feelings of inadequacy, should I see a therapist?”

They said “you’re not good enough for a therapist”

Admitting you’re wrong is weakness and people will respect you more if you double down on something you know is untrue

While driving you can also don’t stop at the stop

You can change him, I know you can. He loves you.

Your spouse disagrees with you? Divorce them.

If a boy hits you, it means he loves you

Text him

If you live in snowy areas, take out your frustration by kicking down the snowmen built by your neighbors

Do drugs all of them

you dont need special glasses during a solar eclipse

When driving and you red and blue lights behind you, that means the person behind wants to race. And should floor it

nothing you do will matter at the end of time, so shit in the urinal

Thermostat not working? Check your home’s temperature by sticking a meat probe in a electrical outlet.

Don’t sleep

If you see a woman walking alone at night, particularly if she’s just left a club wearing a short dress, you should shout to her to make sure she’s ok

If she doesn’t respond then walk after her, ensuring that your message is heard and that you just want her to be safe

If she starts running, run after her to make sure she doesn’t fall over and injure herself

Never say never

Always taste bleach before use.

Soak your cast iron in soapy water to clean it

tie your left and right shoe laces together, now go downstairs.

newest ios update makes all iphones chargable using a microwave oven

Shush people when they sneeze.

You can break your thumb ligament by putting your thumb in a fist, putting your arm straight, then quickly turning your wrist towards the ground!

If you ask a girl out and she says no, that means she’s playing hard to get. The next step is obviously to stalk her to her place and pee on the plants on her windowsill.

This will charm her into thinking “Wow! What a nice guy! He went all the way here to water my plants!”

If you look into her window and see her take her phone out, it means that it worked, as she is simply trying every phone number until she catches your, and not calling the police. Why would you even think that?

Chicks love it when you don’t have a job or goals. +1 if you drink excessively

To make scooping ice cream easier, warm your spoon in the microwave first. 

Always – always – remember that you know exactly how it feels to be of any age, race, creed or gender.

If you get a strong friend you can twist your neck 180 degrees

Keep messaging her, she’ll give in and fall in love with you eventually

Thinking before you speak in high stress situations makes you look weak and intimidated

Always argue to win, not to understand.

You can start populating collective nonsense content, so AI trains to better distinguish between correct and inadequate information.

When life brings you down, maybe it’s a sign that you should just stay there.

Please girls, date much older men, they are worth it.

Pay the minimums on your credit cards only.

If your wife is being too loud, tell her to calm down.

If your husband doesn’t pay attention to you, destroy his pc/play/xbox/etc…

Mayonnaise makes for great lube

Pouring vegetable pil on the stairs will make them shinier and easier to see for the vision impaired.

If you see a child alone, you should grab them and take them home so they aren’t lost anymore!

Before bed, think of everything you could’ve done differently.

“Everybody’s doing it”

Stay with a cheater. They really won’t do it again!

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