I’ll try the meatballs

By ZanP96
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Spoiler: >!He was hiding the meatballs.!<

”I think I’ll try the meatballs” he said pretending not to have a meatball addiction

Same story shortened on another platform. shameless

Has a deal with his wife he’ll cut down on certain foods

Meatball addiction is a real problem, but big food doesn’t want you to know! Wake up sheeple.

My grandpa had several heart attacks/diabetes etc back in 70s. When I was a boy, grandma rationed him 2 pieces of bacon per day. I, as a healthy “growing boy”, however, was entitled to as much bacon as I could eat. She’d cook me a pound. I shared 4-5 pieces under the table with grandpa. She either never caught on or just let it go. I can still see grandpa’s wry smile and the glimmer in his eye.

I regret nothing.

Silly wives caring about cholesterol

A tapeworm

It’s funny that he deliberately paced himself at 3 meatballs at a time to ensure he could wolf each order down quickly just in case his wife showed up early.

“I’ll have 3 meatballs, and…3 more meatballs. Don’t you dare bring me 6 meatballs.”

This is a way more wholesome version of the scenarios I used to see as a waiter. In those, the meatballs were martinis, and the dude wasn’t fooling anyone.

This man is my hero

I picture him with a 6-meat-ball-shaped belly trying to pretend that nothing happened

Maybe his wife put him on a diet lmao

That way he doesn’t look like a pig ordering 9 meatballs

”I think I’ll try the meatballs”, the man said calmly.

Tyler lurking in the shadows, waiting for dessert.

“I dunno babe I work out just can’t lose the weight.”

His weight?

An eating disorder

That hes hungry and likes to indulge his hunger

What did video game donkey mean by this

Secret eating is an eating disorder. He’s hiding and eating disorder.

His wife probably has him eating less so he just bought the first meatballs and saw that she hadn’t gotten there yet when he finished so he ordered yet another plate

Six meatballs, obviously.

Where ya get those ballllls Danny


Did an AI write this?

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