I’m 32.

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Own it.

Embrace it, it looks amazing btw.

At least you have hair!

– all the bald guys (im one of them)

This is just free highlights.

FWIW I think it looks awesome! Rock it.

It’s a great look, going natural is a whole movement.

Hell yeah😎. It looks sick. Ik it might not be what you want, but it still looks good

Looks great.

It’s beautiful!

This is actually very cool

Embrace its distinguishing quality, it looks great. On another note, your hair is fabulously thick, I’m jealous.

Embrace it, go full grey.

Only the good dye young.

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I have been going grey since I was 15 years old (thanks, genetics!). At this point, I just own it and leverage it to get better raises at work lol

It looks beautiful dude.
I also have some white hairs and I wish how soon they would be completely white because it looks cool.

What’s wrong with that?

I am 34 and my hair is pretty much the same as yours. It’s been this gray since I was 23. Less than 5 years ago women our age were paying to have salt and pepper like that! Own it!
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I went 100% grey at 28. Own that shit. People are always telling me they wish they could get their hair my color. You’ll look even better than you already do.

Looks great.

im kinda jealous! im 25 and have a nasty, pube-y patch of greys, but i want to go full salt and pepepr like this if i’m greying.

And? Salt and pepper is awesome, especially different when young.

Many people find it attractive!

I’m 35 – I’m a little grayer than you are. I love it! Especially when I part it and I go from a little gray to mostly gray. Just own it, babe.

Your hair is so thick. It looks awesome

Rock the shit out of it! Nothing else to do 👏

Own it 💪

I’m a women with this at 29. I’m really trying not to dye but it’s getting ridiculous. Yesterday I had to fill out a government form and I really had to debate between brown and partially grey…

You can rock the Claire Saffitz look (and to be clear: that’s a compliment)

Trent Crimm.

Love it

In 1854 you’d be a wise old man…..

It looks cool af!

Looks good!

That’s beautiful! Mine is so sporadic! I don’t color my hair, as watching it turn naturally has been interesting.

My mom started graying around 26-27 and now has hair like Storm from X-Men except super curly, and she gets tons of compliments

Looks cool, tbh

I’m a dude turning 40 soon and my “grays” are super shiny, shimmery, almost sparkly in the sun. A stark contrast against my almost black hair. Wish I could have a full head of them, they’re so neat to look at. Own your gray hairs!

32 and probs hot as hell with this hair do

If you are going grey at an early age it could be a vitamin deficiency. A lot of times it’s a B12 but it could be B12, Calcium or D deficiencies are a few usual causes . If you’re going grey due to nutrient deficiencies then I’d try to get that resolved before it causes other issues

Don’t worry… I started growing facial hair and gray hair by 7th grade. We all go through it sooner or later

Gary hair gives more definition. I love seeing gray hair. I’d trust someone with gray hair more than a different person.


Trent Crimm.

Did you go to grad school by chance bc that’s what did this to my hair 😭

Hey at least you’re not bald. I was by 32.

Gray is better then bald

U look 12 with your grandmas wig on

A blessing in disguise. Many people will assume you are wise and accomplished beyond your years. You’ll be able to surprise them with your youthful perceptions and attitude. A natural spy. You’ll eventually look strangely young to strangers, and forever to your close friends, who are the ones that matter.

Same dawg. But i make it work

Hi 32, I,m 33.

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