I’m 5’9. This was a 5 hour international flight on a full fare airline.

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That’s not mildly infuriating. That’s *wildly* infuriating.

As someone who is 6’3”, I feel this very deeply.

Yeah. The minimums need to be more based around how many people you can *fit* on a plane. Currently they’re based on how many you can *cram* on a plane.

Im not excusing the lack of legroom at all, but sitting all folded up like that probably isn’t ideal. Maybe you could have utilized the slight middle gap between the seats in front of you to *mostly* accommodate your left knee so you could sit like this:
comment image?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc554789868eaebd2b1e714356fcf67cc1879d14

So don’t fly air China economy if you are higher than 5’7”

wait.. why can’t you just lift the cup holder and move your left leg over. just manspread a bit babes 😭

Yeah, but China. Their airlines are notoriously small in the leg department.

I’m confused why did you put both legs in one side of the water?

I could make any flight look that bad

Why didn’t you check your legs to be stored with the luggage? /s

Put up the cup holder and sit up straight. You’re fine.

That is awful, but I can’t help but feel like you would have had a bit more comfort by spreading your legs apart on either side of the cup holder instead of crammed on the corner like that

Scoot back all the way on the seat so your lower back rests on the seat :). You’re welcome!

one leg on each side of the cup……….That is how it was designed to be sat at. You are making this difficult for nothing.

So by OP’s own words they created a problem then posted it on reddit to complain. The situation isn’t midlyinfuriating this post it.

Why are you choosing to sit so awkwardly?

Your legs ain’t that long, scooch your butt back up

lol you can split your legs…

Maybe due to the fact that most Chinese (or Asians in general) are shorter and smaller compared to most Americans?

5,10 I need to do this too. Flew for over 30hrs once and decided I was done, not flying anywhere over 10hrs ever again. I hate flying more than anything…

Why is the tray table so low jeez

lol both legs on one side plus you’re clearly not sitting all the way back in the seat. Airlines suck, but nobody 5’9″ is having an issue fitting. Why manufacture this drama?

Come on, sit up straight. You can tell you’re halfway off of the seat

Why not sit normally with your feet on either side of the cup holder instead of forcing yourself onto one side? lol

Put the cup holder up, you will gain 4 inches. When the seat goes back you should have more leg room when you put feet under seat infront.

Could you put your knees either side of it?

More than ever, I see how much it matters how long your legs are. I’m 5’5” and fairly small, but somewhat long in torso, so I never have legroom issues.

My friend who’s over a foot taller than I am is about the same height as I am seated. He’s also a large fellow by girth. I asked him to change a lightbulb in my ceiling and thought he wouldn’t be able to squeeze around my table, but it turned out not to be a problem, because the height of the tabletop was about mid-femur for him.

I have flown air china, it was well enough space for my legs, I am 6 ft. Something doe not add up here

Well we can all just slouch down and make it look worse than it is. I’m 6’4” and I find that I can survive.

Quit moaning or upgrade.

well chinese be tiny 🤷

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Why is your butt so far forward in the seat? You are so forward your crotch is almost to the edge of the seat. Or are you just karma farming?

I was more interested in how they used the font for Legend of Zelda on the magazine ‘Wings of China’. Still my condolences on the lack of space.

I’m 6’4, this would be hell for me.

This cup holder is a valid reason to spread your knees

Why are you sitting like that?

I don’t understand why you put BOTH legs on the right side 🤦🏻‍♂️

I mean if your right leg can fit that way then your left can too unless your left femur is longer than the right

I’m 6’3”. I once flew Singapore air, and I literally could not fit in the seat without my knees jamming into the back of the seat in front of me. The person kept trying to recline their seat, and I had to explain how that was physically impossible.

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