I’m a five dimensional deity that consumes planets to live and yours is the most pathetic one. I have ever seen, give me one reason to leave your planet alive

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hey, i took this photo

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i am a sixth dimension deity and i already called dibs on this planet a long time ago buddy🥱🥱

spare us for we have mined craft !! ! !

big boobies

If you eat our planet, Kevin will get you
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because we’re too pathetic to be worth consuming

Honestly you can have it I don’t mind. But first can you tell me what the 4th and 5th dimensions are like? I’ve always been pretty curious.

Renault Twingo 💪💪💪💪

Can you swallow us whole so we get to be part of your gut microbiome ? I’ll be a good and faithful hardworking bacteria I promise

I consume your mother on a daily basis

You’ll need a planet eating license first

Tastes just bad.


gothic femboys

ok what if i gave you a ham sandwich to eat instead

You are cute

It is because the three dimensional Earth may demote you into a four dimensional deity.

Don’t. Just let me watch Washinton go first.

Because we have Nikolai, Dempsey, Takeo and Richtofen who will kill themselves from other dimensions only to accidently invite you to heaven where they’ll do some calculus to defeat you, and get Sent back in time by some guy who makes bubblegum

Take one look at the people in charge of the US government right now, and I promise it’ll definitely not make you lose all faith in humanity.

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i’ll call your mom

Nah, we’re fucked up, you can eat us


eat if u r gay

I’ll be rly mad at u >:(

Hey, its me, Goku. If you dont stop this instant, i will have to fight you. You were warned.
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whats your fucking problem ? fuck off cunt

Five minutes on Reddit will make you spare our lives🥰🥰🥰


Lebanese Falafels

Ngl you are right earth is Rotten through the core

I just shat on your meal. I wouldn’t eat that!

Jokes on you I’m into this

why are you using ai

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