I’m already so tired yall

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Anyone who fell for that is a fool.

Anyone who didn’t think Project 2025 was going to happen was just looking for an excuse to vote R. That shit was their playbook and Bible.

I hope my dumbass co-worker who argued this wouldn’t happen is sitting at home looking stupid, and I hope this impacts him the most

Stop supporting Amazon. Cancel your subscriptions. Cancel all of it.

All those Gays for Trump have been real quiet lately

It’s barely been 3 full days too.




If you need something sold on Amazon you can still get it shipped free if it is over 25 dollars. Target will still price match amazon in store.

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Project 2025 was already in progress by the time normal people heard of it. 

Coulda had Kamala

Looking from the outside of the US, this looks like the start of The Handmaid’s Tale

A lot of these companies were just waiting for an excuse.

I tried to tell my fellow union brothers it was a mistake voting for Trump. The future of organized labor has an uphill battle!

Turn that exhaustion into anger. Fuck these fucking fucks

FAFO season is truly here for so many people. At least a year ago I asked people I care about to re-examine their news sources (knowing that mainstream, formerly trusted sources were quickly becoming unreliable) and to bone up on Project 2025, at least a little bit. Now everybody is wringing their hands and crying tears behind the things now happening that are just the beginning. We constantly work against ourselves in political matters because we would rather not be bothered. Yet there are people out here who have written dissertations in breaking down the beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. I will never understand, but here we are and now we have to deal with it. How many of us will be content to remain ignorant, get the facts wrong and not vote?

I got rid of Amazon Prime when the strikes began. I like how he really gaslit people to believing he didn’t know anything about Project 2025 but said he knew a little bit. I’m so confused how people fell for this. I’ve watched many cult documentaries about leaders lying to the people. I have common sense not to fall for anything. I even look at some pastors side ways because they say and do things that are sinful and still have a following that makes excuses. I feel like I’m not apart of this planet anymore. It’s too surreal.

Bruh it’s day 4.

We’re tired.
We’re tired of being lied to, overlooked, played, de-humanized, looked down on, kicked and gaslit.
A fight is coming, they want it to be a culture war, they want the lines to be race and creed.
Don’t let it be that, the coming fight is a class fight.
That’s the fight worth fighting.

brace yourselves and talk to the ones who lived through the 50/60s

We’re all canceling Amazon, right?


Ink is not even dry, and they are already executing project 2025

But hey, this will definitely lower the price of eggs- ok enough. This won’t lower the price of JACK SHIT. This was implemented just because the tangerine terrorist is a racist.

Gonna need to organize boycotts soon

I’m curious though, what protections? Was is it anything that was already covered by federal or state laws?

I’m glad I chose this year to just be a vehement, unceasing hater

I hate the rich, I hate old white niggas, I hate corporations, I hate police

And I’m going to be very very loud about being a hater because the worst thing that can happen to me is I die

Only 3.99 more years of it!


They cancelling black history month too

Every single amazon that fits in the LGBTQ+ space needs to absolutely walk off the job tomorrow.

Shouldn’t get special treatment anyway , that equality???😕

Ohh so this is what happens when I vote. Who would have thunk

What tf you mean they been telling us it isn’t real. Bitch, they been bragging it’s gonna happen for the past few years. I’m just quietly doing my process of getting my German and Mexican citizenship so I have options in a bit.

Boycott Amazon now

You’re stupid if you got gaslit

Honestly, what were they protecting anyway? It’s not like they were doing anything.

Even when we tried warning them, they still preferred to “stick it to the libs”. It’s a sport to them.

But, as a Hispanic male, I just want to tell you all that were in this together. No Nazis will ever get in our way.

How could they say it wasn’t real when you could literally google “Project 2025” and just download the 900 page pdf and it would take about 12 seconds

Time to stop shopping on Amazon!

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