Guys normally leave a urinal in between so as not to be next to another guy. Taking this into account it spells out S be ve of Sbeve girls wouldn’t understand this meme.
14 days ago
S(he) S(hit) (Her)self
14 days ago
First time explainer here, seems to me that others are a bit off.
Like everyone already said, it is about using every other urinal, but the point is that when they are being used, you only see “he lied”. So it’s “She believed – He lied” combo, which is common in a lot of other memes.
14 days ago
Urinal etiquette demands maximum spacing, so boys gotta take only s-be-ve.
14 days ago
“He lied” by conventional urinal etiquette. “She believed” by the uninformed (mostly women). Not sure if it’s a specific reference to something, but they go hand in hand.
14 days ago
Real Question.
Why are the girls in the boy’s restroom?
14 days ago
I’d argue the most polite way it would fill up would read – S-D-LIE
Guys normally leave a urinal in between so as not to be next to another guy. Taking this into account it spells out S be ve of Sbeve girls wouldn’t understand this meme.
S(he) S(hit) (Her)self
First time explainer here, seems to me that others are a bit off.
Like everyone already said, it is about using every other urinal, but the point is that when they are being used, you only see “he lied”. So it’s “She believed – He lied” combo, which is common in a lot of other memes.
Urinal etiquette demands maximum spacing, so boys gotta take only s-be-ve.
“He lied” by conventional urinal etiquette. “She believed” by the uninformed (mostly women). Not sure if it’s a specific reference to something, but they go hand in hand.
Real Question.
Why are the girls in the boy’s restroom?
I’d argue the most polite way it would fill up would read – S-D-LIE ~ literally just google folks.
She Believed…
He lied …
Guys will try to distance themselves by one urinal apart whilst girls pee in the urinals side by side like true sisters.
He lied
She believed
sbed and slied are actually better, it makes it so that there is a 2 space gap between 2 of the urinals which is better then a 1 space gap.
It spells he lied if you start from second urinal skipping each, so it is he lied, she believed.
Sbeve 😔
He lied
She believed
He Lied
2Chains said he good
He lied
She believed, he lied
“She believed” if girls used the urinals with no gaps between urinal usage.
“He lied” if boys used the urinals with proper urinal etiquette.
Seeing all the people mention sbeve just makes me very sad because of a certain rat bastard who needs to stay gone.
S (he) be (li) be (d).
She belived.
He lied.
Sbeve made me cry 😭
Why did I think cats were organizing their pills
Everyone saying Sbeve, but forgetting Sbed and Slied 😢.
Sbeve 🙁
He lied… the first one is too near to the door so you do 2(he) 4(lie) 6(d)
He lied
Girls reading” She Believed”
Man Code Urinal Spacing “He Lied”
Sbeve 😢
So you’re a girl