Iā€™m cooked

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Oh shit! Donā€™t make eye contact

In Germany, public television is fine with nudity to a much greater extent than American tv and Iā€™m generally in favor of this less prudent approach but it sure made for some strange moments during family TV nightsā€¦

That’s when you go to the toilet just before so you get to return to catch them in an awkward moment.

That’s not all that’s coming in five minutes…

If I survived seeing American Pie in theaters with my mom when I was 14, then you can surely survive whatever movie you’re watching.

I can remember a time when we had my parents over for a movie night, my stepson got to choose the movie. I think it was “Electric Dreams?” We’re about 1/2 way into the movie, and all the sudden he’s squirming. Then, the glow in the dark condom sword fight happens, and I’m pretty sure he died inside.

Do a power move and tell your mom beforehand. If she asks how you knew tell her dad told you.

Bathroom break, tell them not to pause it. They won’t talk about it when you get back lol

you have 5 minute to go to the bathroom and wait enough for the scene to end

I took my family to see Nosferatu for my birthday, aside from it being a horror movie, it was quite interesting… Nosferatu got a bit freaky :/

They’ll be coming in 10 min

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