Iā€™m fluent in both languages but translating is so hard

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I used to flex that I can speak 4 languages (not so fluent but I can communicate) for working in different countries and this is the exact reason I stopped telling people about it. People find it so cool and you are going to be stuck in this conversation all your life unless you stop talking about it.

ā€œI can read and write but Iā€™m not good at speakingā€

Thatā€™s my go to

*english defaultism cause not all languages follow the same grammatical structure*

I mean I will translate it for you but you’ll have it with a broken sentence structure and giant pauses between words šŸ˜­ That’s the only way I can do it :’)

If they dont know the language, just say “toilet chair anus nuts 63” and they will never know

Translating is only difficult if you try to translate word by word. It’s better to take the idea of what was said in and just say the same thought out in the other language. Do not focus on the words, but the thought behind the words.

SAME. i have a sister who doesn’t understand almost nothing in english and when i try showing her a meme, I need to translate it but end up stutteringand then obliously she gets angry at me.

its frustrating when you know but you just can’t get it out, like i swear i understand it but i forgot the words

If you can’t translate you’re not billingual, you just know a bit of another language like what ?

Really? I speak English fluently, beside my native tongue, and I can translate pretty much effortlessly between them.

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