I’m going to miss seeing a doctor

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My anger and distrust of people is at an all time high level. I’m typically a Pollyanna, someone who sees the good, sees what I can and can’t control and reacts accordingly. But I’m so completely and utterly drained of empathy and joy. Idk how we are all going to make it through the next 4 years with vaguely intact mental and physical health.

Republicans will really vote to shoot themselves in the foot as long as it hurts a liberal.

Imagine if we could’ve finally finally gotten universal healthcare

It’s gonna be funny when they find out that they could lose their affordable care act and say “but he was only getting rid of Obamacare”.

“But people I don’t like will benefit too. And I WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT!” -douchebags.

“Had it all” let’s be real we could’ve had like, some at most.

Americans are too okay with getting to choose between fascism and crumbs. Start a class war.

I’m too tired to be petty

My coworkers were complaining about medical debt being removed from credit scores. They are idiots.

> The Supreme Court will review

The high priests will decipher the golden tablets under the hat. The answer will have just as much to do with The Constitution.

Haven’t seen a doctor in years. Unless I get a job with insurance, it’ll probably be a few more years…

“Had it all” is a stretch but yeah those protest votes and calling him orange didn’t really help the over half of people who don’t even know they’re still on trumps tax plan

Yeah supreme Court and trump are gonna be ghouls and demons; but have it all under Kamala is being hyperbolic for sure

I’m just pisst that in these last two months Biden decided to do a speed run of getting great helpful things pushed forward that could have helped us all and his parties political candidacy.

Okay but in all seriousness what’s preventing the next civil war type situation? It seems like that’s the next thing that’s going to happen once people get frustrated enough.
Also we need to bring the BBP back fr.

IMO Looking back historically, when has good triumphed over bad for long extended periods of time? it’s always the bad people who end up in power for long stretches. The good are always the ones to suffer. Light triumph over darkness? Not on this earth – prove me wrong. Republicans are evil people.

America’s “healthcare” industry will never allow universal healthcare for its citizens, and are working very hard to ensure that not only do they continue to drag Americans into medical debt, but now prevent bankruptcies due to medical debt. We’re going to need more than just a few Luigi’s to fight this mess.

Eggs are still expensive though, right?

“But at least the price of eggs will go down!” /s

In 2023, I was diagnosed w/ Stage III Cancer. Prior to that, I had not been to the hospital since I was a kid. I had no insurance. I am self-employed. However, later, I was able to get healthcare via the ACA. Thank goodness, I finished my rounds of chemo. However, if they end ACA, I know I will be unable to continue to be treated. For the 78m people who voted for that guy, they chose hate over helping themselves and others. Let’s see how resilient they will be.

This would impact millions of magas. Many think Obamacare and Affordable Care Act are different things. Millions of people who don’t deserve it too but I expect a lot more medical debt GoFundMe campaigns in the southern states.

Biden and Harris are using some of their final time in office to make things better for people and preventing a little of the horrible Trump plans to do. But, because black woman scary, the reality that things are about to get horrible for everyone aside from the wealthy is devastating.

It’s all good bro, just turn on the heat and sweat it out. I did it with COVID you can do with a broken limb! (This country is cooked).

Just curious to anyone that might know. If that debt does not show on a credit report, where would it show that healthcare debt that would negatively reflect? Really my question is why should I pay any major healthcare cost going forward.

Luigi was right

Leaving medicine in the hands of people who don’t have medical degrees is beyond stupid to me but hey what do I know.

How depraved do you have to be to charge for preventative care? They’re trying to kill us all, and I’m not exaggerating.

I love how they couldn’t do any of these things to help us for the last 4 years. Had to wait till the absolute end of the term lol.

Political theater. They could have done so much more to help, and they simply didn’t.

Stupid mother fuckers keep voting to have their own knee caps blown off. How many times before you just say fuck em?

They wanted this.

Has it been too long since I learned civics or is this not wayyy outside the purview of SCOTUS?

So I have good credit now?

I don’t understand why the Republican Party is so dead set on removing protections from people.

Well, let me rephrase. I don’t understand why citizens are voting for it. The politicians are corrupt. The people are just dumb

Welcome to hell everyone.

Hatred is a hell of a drug

Why is that even up for review?

But this was done on the way out why not day one?

Americans are so fucking stupid. I hate that I have to breathe the same air as these stupid assholes. Where did the aliens go that were here last month? Come back!

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