I’m honestly glad I’m off Twitter.

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You get a million shots when joining the military and this is logical as the sick are a large strain on logistics, but the covid vaccine is somehow an issue

Military inoculations and vaccinations are a fun time!!
I remember one time, I asked, “what is all this”
And they told me, “stop asking questions”
And we laughed and laughed……
Not really I just stfu, they take that shit really really seriously.
On the upside I still haven’t gotten sick….
It’s been..
Shit almost 22 years!!

Twitter is the breeding ground for political ignorance.

It’s all about readiness. Just like the flu, and all the other vaccines. You can’t be an effective fighting force if everyone gets sick. You also live in super close quarters on mission which spreads disease even quicker.

Source. Former Army Officer

Also if someone wants to throw their career away because of stupid political beliefs they need to leave anyway. In the military you swear on the constitution and follow orders for the benefit of the country not the individual. I knew a staff sergeant who threw his 10 year career out the window because “the vaccine is gonna get me really sick for a few days”. That soft MF would not enjoy combat deployments if he can’t handle a fever for a few days. Good riddance.

I love the assumption that anyone afraid of a vaccine must be also be the toughest soldier.

I remember so many anthrax shots and nobody kicked up any sort of whiny little bitchfits like they are with the covid shot. Get in line and roll up your sleeves or GTFO.

Not accepting the Covid vaccine is an easier indicator of what side you’re really on. The good of the nation and unit, or an insurectionist that we elected president again…..shit

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the ones who denied the vaccine are not the “best fighters” – Because, you know. Intelligence.

It’s called service before fucking self.

How come they never apply this logic to those plate carriers they’re so fond of larping in? It doesn’t protect you from a headshot, or anything from the side, so it’s worthless, right?

“Our best fighters” the fact that they can’t follow orders means they’re not

Bold claim to say that the best soldiers are all the ones who think the military is a choose your own adventure.

What would you trust to a soldier who won’t even follow a basic order to give you a shot?

America rewarding the bottom of the barrel

I promise you the ones who were kicked out for not getting vaccinated were nowhere near our best, honestly most of them were fucking morons

Smallpox inoculation….no problem.


The best fighters in the US military arent going to let something as small as a vaccine get in the way of them taking part in WW3. The right is delusional lol.

It’s always the bureaucrats and desk jockeys that are like “nope, vaccines is where I draw the line!”. You weren’t doing shit anyways lol

The people who refused the shots were not the best fighters, I fucking assure you.

I hope Charlie Kirk has unlimited data on his self-own plan.

It’s not like the military has any past incidents to pull from on topics like this, like I don’t know, the Spainish flu that wiped out entire barracks full of soldiers in WW1

Especially if those people are refusing orders based on misinformation from social media presented by people who have no clue what they are talking about and are just trying to influence society for their own benefit!

Well, Charlie is your typical whiny maggot who’s afraid of his own shadow.

But what about bone spurs?

You can’t protect others if you can’t protect yourself.

Coming up with comebacks for this moron is like shooting fish in a small bowl.

Vaccine refusers in the military are the ones that might cause political trouble in the future or back a Trump dictatorship.

A real simple answer is that they’re refusing to obey orders given to them by a superior officer.

It’s the military, not a fucking clubhouse.

You’re glad you’re off Twitter, but you still get on to find stuff to post on Reddit? Sounds like you didn’t leave Twitter then.

He leaps quickly from 83% effective and lowered severity to “doesn’t even protect from infection”

Best fighters =/= not following orders

Jesus that’s like the first thing that make a soldier. To follow damn orders.

There might have been good dudes who got kicked out because of the COVID VX, but everyone booted from my Battalion was a shithag.

Exactly. They’ll kick you out of Military School if you refuse to tie your shoelaces properly. But it’s not about the shoelaces, they don’t actually care what your shoelaces look like so long as you are wearing your shoes, it’s about seeing if you’re willing to follow instructions, because in combat you’ll be given instructions to follow much more difficult and morally-compromising than the proper method of tying shoelaces.

I was in the marines during COVID. The only person in my unit who refused the vaccine and was discharged refused the vaccine so he can be discharged. He wanted out. He was a POS marine and I wouldn’t trust him in battle to follow orders at all.

So all the best fighters are only anti vaxxers? Lol this guy is a joke.

Is no one going to point out the false presumption that Charlie Kirk snuck in there, namely the notion that DC “wants to go to war with RuZZia”?

Also, what does Charlie Kirk want for real? “Peace in our time”? Does he really think that appeasing RuZZia and opposing the COVID vaccine is going to make America’s military great again?

How does he get to the assumption that the soldiers who refuse to get a vaccination are “our best fighters”…????

This gleeful, willing ignorance of herd immunity, the actual purpose of vaccines, is annoying as shit. The primary purpose of vaccines is not to protect the individual from infection. It DOES do that for the vast majority of individuals, but that’s not the true function of vaccination. 

Conservatives with this bad faith argument that the vaccine isn’t even a guarantee against infection so why get it are either too fucking stupid to learn basic highschool-level epidemiology or are just intentionally being obtuse for political gain. 

You also gotta love the “best” in best fighter.

It basically simplifies down to “people who agree with me are better in every way than people who don’t agree with me”

Also, not all conservatives believe it’s a Chinese bio weapon, but shouldn’t those that do want our troops to be protected against a bio weapon?

“I was just following orders” says every soldier when shit gets real.

Posting that you are glad you are off twitter with a screenshot of a twitter post is really fucking lame lol.

I guarantee those aren’t the “best soldiers”

Healthcare CEOs should be trembling for what they’ve done. Saint Luigi guide us 🙏 

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