I’m really pleased to see that the comunity here has reacted to this nonsense.

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Joe would’ve been cursing Poland in 1939

This outburst makes Rogan look like one of the biggest pussies on the planet. Where was he the past 3 years when Putin was making the same empty threats? 

Putin is China’s bitch now and becoming their bitch more and more everyday.  He’s not using a nuke. Period. He can’t. It’s not just suicidal, he doesn’t have the leverage. 

And why was Rogan hand-wringing in unison with all the other influencers that were involved in the tenet media scandal? I thought he was a free thinker. Not a useful idiot for the other useful idiots. 

If Trump had of taken the opposite stance and talked about American strength and lessons learned from WWII and our history of thwarting the spread of communism, these same snowflakes crying about escalation would be vocally and adamantly pro Ukraine. This is how far we’ve fallen. People don’t vote based on deep reflection and value alignment anymore. They get fed their “beliefs” bundled and prepackaged like a fucking drive through value meal and act like it’s what they actually think.

We live in a world where some Americans openly suck Russian dick… Weird.

Rogan’s a fucking joke now. I used to watch him with my buddy back in the day. Now, my buddy is just some dumb pot head who parrots all the republican bull shit Rogan spews. What a piece of shit sellout

Rogan is not a smart man, he just knows when to interject a “wow…” “No way…” “Really?” at the right time to sound like he’s following a conversation.

Did Joe even talk about all the North Korea troops in Russia? So he is mad at Ukraine, but not Russia for getting a bunch of North Korea troops and escalating the war?

Republicans supported Ukraine until Trump’s first impeachment. It was wild watching the switch happen in real-time

The interesting (and kind of scary) thing I’ve encountered in this sub lately is a lot of the pro-Putin trumpers in this sub are non-American. Canadians, Norwegians, Australians etc talking about how they “won” and Kamala was a trash candidate etc. They sound exactly like American douche bros spitting the Fox News propaganda through the Rogan filter. Super bizarre. The cancer is spreading and JRE is a major contributor to the problem.

this sub is seeing a correction and I love it.

As a complete non bot, just a regular dude doing regular shit and stuff.

These comments were stupid as fuck and Joe deserves to lose credibility for such a dumb fuck comment.

I have no idea when his brain turned to soup but fuck me lads

Joe Rogan has had one of the worst transitions of opinion I’ve ever seen a public figure have, he went from a level-headed guy who genuinely tried to understand and appreciate both sides to inviting propagandists on and letting them spew shit unchallenged.

It would be interesting if this is his moment where people realize he is just another Shapiro with cool guests.

This topic alone shows you far-fucked America is and how much anti-intellectualism has become mainstream in America.

We have the brightest line between good and evil with an obvious aggressor, and yet half the country seems fucking confused and go to great lengths to spin it as anything else.

So if Russia invaded the States Joe would be against fighting back,because world war 3.

joe rogan is a jerk

Joe must be getting paid by Russia. Theres no other way he could be so stupid.

Roganovich is so based

its almost like this guy is a moron that should not have a platform to be absolutely braindead on.

In any given episode he is varying levels or stoned and/or hopped up on those neuro supplements he hocks. His audience needs to realize he is not some bastion of higher thinking or a genius, he is a burnout.

If you haven’t realized yet that the new “mainstream media”, aka Joe Rogan, Twitter, Fox, etc, is just straight up Russian propaganda, then you’re part of the problem.

Joe became that scared rich dude who loves his money so much he wishes time to stop and everyone just be normal.

He also said that Zelenskyi had “cocaine-like behavior” (a literal ruzzian nazi propaganda point) and called Ukrainians “monkeys.” Rogan is a despicable worm to say the least.

Listen you gotta consider the russian asset’s point of view too.

Oh Lord 2 comments in and the ignorance is strong in this thread.

Basically this

Rogan is a Russian puppet


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