I’m rich af

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That’s a lot of ruined eggs.

OP so proud of his fuck up he’s sharing it all around😂

How many hours did you boil those eggs?

overcooked the fuck out of your eggs goddamn

*Were rich…

You poor as fuck after spending so much money on eggs just to make them as dry as your girl.

Your egg timer broke.

13 mins bro

Did you stuff them with sweet potatoes?

You also like eating rubbery eggs.

Too bad you can’t cook

So dry

Looks like crusty play dough.

The yellow parts look like pictures taken by electron microscopes

Please be rage bait

9.5 mins


This many eggs costs around 1.5 dollars in my country

York’s look a little off. 

Please try to make some deviled eggs next time 🙃

Dumb as fuck is more like it

This egg thing is stupid. I literally gave away 101 dozen eggs at the store I work at today to a food bank because they were too close to the expo date to have on the shelf.

There’s no shortage, and prices are coming down. We’ve been selling eggs at a loss for months.

Also, OP took some kind of electron microscope picture of the surface of a foot callous and photoshopped it into those eggs. WTF, man?

ETA: Also, the next big thing will be chicken shortages. Not eggs, but chicken meat. Starting with breasts and tenders. Got an email today about it. Orders getting dialed back by 75-50%.

I’ve got like 60 in my fridge. Beyond rich.

They are all worthless now that you took them out of the original packaging.

Clearly, because you need to throw these out, you ruined them by overcooking them!

dry eggs

Holy shit, can I borrow $50?

I put the eggs in a cold water, then on the stove. When they are bubbly boiling , i start the timer. 3 minutes.


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