I’m so sorry this this happening to you.

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Thoughts and prayers.

They come in here and use our culture against us. SORRY IS OUR THING.

How is that whole “we need guns to defend against tyranny” thing working out for them?

im not gonna antagonize any americans who side with us.
Thought i agree the “i didnt not vote for him” and “thoughts and prayers” shit is useless and cringe.
The more we are to fight this, the better well fare off.

Are Germans welcome? I somehow endet here and I like it

Gretzky fits in there now too.

I’m fine with the Americans who voted for Kamala. Who I think is moronic are the Americans who claim they have such great jobs and lives but yet still have enough time to come to a shitposting Canadian sub to try to argue with jokes because they’re so butthurt by Canadians making fun of them. They’re either unemployed to have that much free time or their egos are so fragile and delicate they don’t realize how pathetic they are.

The Americans who are looking for support are understandable since they’re going through a rough patch. It feels a bit overwhelming because there are so many of them but, considering how there are ten times as many Americans as Canadians, the relative numbers of them are also understandable.

The Americans who voted for making the US a third world country in a first world suit coming here to make comments trying to defend the US are prime candidates for a future Leopards Ate My Face post though.

Nahh, It’s time for us Americans to own it, and fix it . Until then we’re gonna seen like this, and not just with Canadians unfortunately

You want to be accepted.. show us with your actions, not “heart felt” posts on the internet..

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Through inaction Americans elected trump.

Not voting for him isn’t enough, you need to have voted against him for the only person who had a chance to beat him

I don’t know chief. Half of them are the reason this happened. I say half of them deserve it.

“Victims of my government, please soothe my ego and assuage my guilt”

Those Americans get fucked

Solidarity is one thing, being the literal embodiment of American entitlement is another

You didn’t vote for him, fine – now do something about it. Don’t look for forgiveness from us. I hated that news story of the Americans buying dinner for everyone, as if that makes it all ok. Throwing around cash is such an American way to look for absolution.

It’s a deeper fraudulence than one would expect. For the whole concept of ‘defend against tyranny’ with all of their guns and personal security, why have events of that nature been so few and far between recently?

With the same people parroting that same patriotic rhetoric voting for him, and with the imagined enemy probably being some openly evil guy with a trench coat and golden pauldrons or a Chinese invasion? The Trump phenomenon has led me to believe that because of whatever emotions have been invoked in these people because of them, they *like* this dictator. He’s funny! He’s a businessman! He tells it like it is! He hates who I hate! He’s verbing the nouns! The most important part? He doesn’t really affect these John Americas personally, and when he does? S’just the caast uh doing bidness!

Yeah I know it’s not every American and that voter fraud was likely, but millions still voted him in, attended the Insurrection, and devoutly swear themselves to him despite just wanting to fuck around until he’s dead. Out of hundreds of millions, not one American wants to adhere to their beloved constitution and destroy this tyranny, instead of just jumping ship? Isn’t this like the dream scenario of Americans? An open fascist dictator with a cabinet of *open nazis* and billionaires???

Yanks pronounce it “so-REEEE” trying to fit in

What about us europeans? Can we help?

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Americans coming into Canadian subreddits, after letting their country descend into fascism.

This is accurate. Ask them who their favorite Letterkenny character is. Then ask them who their favorite Beachcombers character was.

I’m a Canadian on a green card in the US, and I’m transgender. 🏳️‍⚧️

Living la vida cursed~ right now.

At least Toronto ain’t far if I’ve gotta bolt. NYC is alright at the moment but I wonder if it will stay this way.

Yeah. Thoughts and fucking prayers. They sound like all the Germans who ‘never liked Hitler’
What are they doing to stop it? Fuck all.

I’m disappointed in my province. We just hired our own dipshit populist for the 3rd straight term.

Seems Ontario doesn’t hate the Trumpness as much as they should. Ford ain’t standing up to anyone.

If you didn’t vote for Trump, I think you’re more than welcome here. That being said, if you did vote for him, and now regret your decision, you might deserve a certain amount of hazing lol

If you didn’t vote *against* him, you still voted for him.

American here: fuck our shit up fam –at least whatever is left over after we’re done fuckin’ ourselves up.

To my fellow Americans: STFU, the performative apologies and cries for acceptance mean less than nothing.

If Americans want to help, buy Canadian and Mexican products, avoid anything produced in America and be prepared to light shit on fire here at home when the bottom falls out of the charade.

As an American living in Canada and who voted for Harris, I have no sympathy for my fellow Americans who refused to protest and decided to roll over. Currently working on my Canadian citizenship.

I belly chuckled. Thank you.

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