I’m stumped

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The photos look like these politicians are doing a nazi salute but in the full videos it’s clear that they’re just pointing or gesturing without all the other motions that happen in a nazi salute.

The still images of the “salute” was used for “proof”. However, everyone has seen the video of Elon. If you see the videos of the Democrats, it is obvious it was not a “salute”.

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[Here’s the video of those “salutes”, with the video of Musk’s gesture and the video of an unquestionable Neo-Nazi salute for comparison.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1i75h6r/to_lie_about_the_nazi_salute/)

all these photos are freeze frames of movements that were not nazi salutes, just that happened to have the hand in this position at one point

musk was doing a full on nazi salute, though

people are trying to say that Musk’s nazi salute wasn’t a salute, so they’re using pictures of people having their arms raised during talking as equivalent


MAGA: ADL said it wasn’t a Nazi salute so that’s that. You have to trust the experts.

Also MAGA: COVID is a myth. You can’t trust these so called “experts”. Do your own research.

Even if the Dems were caught here (they aren’t and this is grade school level deflection) this doesn’t make Elon’s Nazi salute go away…it would just be grouped with some more.

At Trumps inauguration on Monday, Elon Musk repeatedly did a sieg heil. The nazi thing.

He did so on video. More than once. Explicitly.

Dipshits who want to taste his balls are insisting we are taking a still frame out of context. To support this, they are clipping democrats waving at the right camera angle to look like they are doing the same disgusting salute. Only it’s obvious they aren’t, once looking at the video.

Dipshits get mad when that is pointed out.

Republicans are trying to gaslight everyone into believing Elon didn’t do a Nazi salute by sharing still images of democrats with their arms raised in what looks to be a Nazi salute. When you watch the videos the frames around it make it extremely clear that the images are definitely not actually Nazi salutes. Whereas when you watch the video of Elon doing his salute it’s almost picture perfect in terms of it being a Nazi salute.

It’s very difficult to accidentally Nazi salute. Especially twice in under 5 seconds.

Musk clearly Sieg Heiled.

MAGA tried to make it look like democrats did too. If you watch any of those videos it is clear that they did not.

It’s loss /s

You don’t “accidentally” do a Nazi salute. It’s a well enough gesture with the most horrible associations attached to it that most of us know to not do anything that could possibly be perceived as the salute. This wasn’t a resemblance of the Nazi Salute, he did it perfectly…twice.

Fuck nazis. Figuratively. Don’t actually fuck them. They don’t deserve the pleasure.

Trump supporters are claiming that Elon totally didn’t do a Nazi salute, and are using still images of democratic politicians in similar poses to make their case. However, they can’t really back up this argument when you compare the video of these gestures to the video of Musk’s salute, as while these still images were just in the moment gesticulations, musk held the salute in the exact pose for a couple seconds, making it much clearer he was deliberately doing the gesture, unlike the other cases where it’s just poorly timed snapshots.

It’s simple. Elon did the full sieg heil. The people in this picture were simply waving their arms around. There is no joke here. Elon is a nazi.

Elon Musk did a Nazi salute during Trump’s inauguration. MAGA’s are posting images of democrats, claiming they did the Nazi salute too to somehow justify it, the difference is that watching the video of the democrats when they did the supposed salute shows that they were doing normal gestures with their arms forming a Nazi salute within a few moments of them transitioning between the gesturing (unlike Elon, who clearly intended for the salute to be his sole gesture).

Dude this is spot on, so many dumbass reactionary people. Like it’s actually sad how many people are just sacrificing their dignity to “shield” this man from criticism like the fact they even had to find “comparable” photos also just gives away that the dummies know it’s a Nazi salute and they’re just saying “oh we saw them do it why can’t we?” It’s getting old man

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MAGA dipshits really trying to defend their blatantly fascist government for oh so long, huh?

I’m not a thinking man, but if I didn’t fuck a goat and someone accused me of fucking a goat, I probably wouldn’t pick “well look at all them other goat-fuckers” as my defense.

Don’t let the Nazis make you angry or try to distract that Elon hit us with the double Sieg live on TV.

Fuck off, you know what this means

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