Im tired boss

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So, now we’re making veiled threats to annex Canada? What in the jesus lizard is happening?

I take it the Project 2025 people are running things while he sits in his office tweeting and being carefully kept away from any real decision making.

He’s such an insufferable prick.

Yes, because it’s funny to insult the leader of our closest ally and neighbor. Because it’s all fun and games. I hope Trudeau responds too “Fuhrer Trump”.

Trudeau: “It was a pleasure sitting down to dinner with TV personality and renowned grifter Donald Trump.”

The best part of all this is that Trump thinks he is executing some sort of master move but all he is actually doing is demonstrating how weak he is on foreign policy and international relations.

Enjoy, MAGA! You voted for this tool.

What a fucking clown.

I’m a Canadian. An older Canadian. I’ve worked in the US. I have friends in the US. I’ve traveled and visited all over the US, North, south, east and west. I’ve come to expect that many Americans know nothing about their neighbours to the north across the world’s longest undefended border. Like many Canadians I can share stories about how blissfully unaware Americans can be about our country ( Having to explain to the VP of North American sales at a company I was consulting with that Canada doesn’t have states. And we don’t have providences. We have provinces) but I always played along with the cliche that Canada and the US had a special relationship. Like Canada was the inoffensive often forgotten little brother that was teased a bit, maybe annoying at times but always there when push came to shove. This whole situation has made me deeply irrationally angry at this buffoon. And by extension the people who voted for him. Trashing a solid relationship more than 100 years old with one of your largest trading partners takes a special kind of skills. Canadians may forgive but we don’t forget. Maybe someone needs a good old jerseying to be reminded that there is a dark side to our polite reputation. Rant over.

Canadian here. You think he’s just saying these new brazen things to create new enemies for his followers when his Project 2025 and other ill-thought-out economic plans start failing. He needs new scapegoats…

Why not Canada?! Sadly the idea is, not original – “Blame Canada.”


I can’t believe that at 47 years old, I’m seeing the president of the US talk about Canada like this! It is unimaginable! The 2020s have been the most trash decade, in my opinion!

All so painfully undignified and lacking in basic manners, class and decency. Respect for others isn’t a weakness.

He hates him because Melania likes him.


Trudeau should kick him in the nuts next time they meet.

As a Canadian I will bare fucking arms if this orange prick thinks he’s going to come into Canada and make us like America. He’s talking about other countries like we would talk about a colleague in the break room. I don’t give a shit if America blow up Canada or some shit but he ain’t getting my sweet maple syrup.

I’m readying my fleet of mooses as we speak!

Ladies And Gentleman, I give you a Buffoon. Incompetent, ignorant and smells like feces.

Im praying for a massive stroke!

Lol. You’ll see him again when and if, he decides to come see you.

You’re not even allowed in his country you fat felonious fuck.

He’s so disrespectful.

We, Canadians, are an independent Country of the U.S. We are a Country under the King of Britain. Military personnel salute the King before mess hall. Our Prime Minister is not ruled by a different Country’s *equal*.


Someone please go back in time and just move him a foot to one side.

This man is setting out to make the US as isolated from the rest of the world, including our two closest neighbors, because it’s easier to get into a dictatorship that way.

The entire world will create a holiday for when the prick dies. He’s going to run this country into the ground. Wear those red hats proudly MAGA. Don’t you hide when things go south.

This is Putin’s work. He instructing his orange clown to do this, to weaken relationship between allies. This is what happens when you vote for a traitorous dictator who align with other dictators.

Dementia is real…

Buckle up fuckers it gonna be a rough four years

Never one to wish harm on people…..but I can make an exception with this abomination. Just don’t miss again.

He is like a 12 year old sociopath.

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